Irish Taxpayers Forced To Bail Out British & German Banks.
Why did the EU Central Bank not manage the Euro currency?
Who Stole The Peoples's Money? Do Tell. N.Y.Times. 'TWAS HIM.
[Tammany Hall Cartoon in New York Times. Circa 1890s]
Who Stole The Peoples's Money? Was it the EU Central Bank?
September 2008: Bertie, BIFFO and Comical Leni gave digouts to Seanie and Fingers by gauranteeing their dodgy "banks." Comical Leni renewed the crony-gaurantee in September 2010 and also reportedly gave €50 Billion to unnamed bondholders. The EU Central Bank in Frankfurt sat idly by.
An earlier blog posting on a smaller bailout executed by the same dodgy Fianna-fail crony-cartel:
September 21, 2009
Bankrupt Dublin Docklands Developers Autocracy Bails out Bankrupt Developer ZOE
Bankrupt Bails Out Bankrupt With Taxpayer Cash?