December 2, 2011

Bishop Hogan Moves Problem Between Parishes.

It seems NAMA has effectively paid €29 million to 'massage' DDDA's books.

Bishop Hogan of the Environment Department is the boss of DDDA, Dublin's Dodgy Developers Autocracy. Hidden by the budget's Bad News Day it's just been arranged for a little liability of €29 million to be moved from DDDA's parish to NAMA's parish. Freedom Of Information requests are not available on NAMA scams, making the Bishop of Rome jealous.

Who is being protected by this dodge?  Is this cooking of the books being done to prevent robust investigations into the crony-cartel at DDDA and at Anglo-Irish Bank and their drug suppliers across the European banking system?  

Maybe the developers who funded Fianna-Gael at The K Club golfing tent can answer.

This NAMA-DDDA caper looks and smells like the stock market manipulations in which Irish Life allegedly used Seven Billion Euro ($10 Billion) to cook Anglo-Irish Bank's books and it also looks and smells like the  €3 billion inundisclosed transactions used by a Fermanagh businessman to secretly maneuver the share price of Anglo-Irish Bank.  Such activity is illegal outside Ireland where the 'perps' are rapidly jailed.   

By giving €29 million of your money to cooks DDDA's books has the NAMA outfit now joined the crony-cartel in the €500 Million Irish Glass Bottle scam?  And only 3 years after the -developer-entrepreneurs left on the noon-stage to Lausanne, London and Dubai.  The IGB site is a 24 acre polluted hole in the ground sinking into the former and illegal City Dump.  In September 2008 Lendahand and Thick Lips landed taxpayers with the €500 Million bill for the IGB scams.  Total scams in Poolbeg have cost taxpayers €950 million.

NAMA has paid €29 million to effectively massage DDDA's books.  The secret deal swaps DDDA liabilities at the Irish Glass Bottle site for nine building sites of unknown value in a property market rigged by NAMA.  

By firing its employees and by moving offices across the Liffey it would be a tragedy if DDDA got its files mixed up or even lost.  



NAMA Winelake has a good overview on this DDDA-NAMA scam.  The passive Irish media has the usual churnalism.

November 1, 2011

Chariot at Dodder Dam Crime Scene

Lads.  Is me pension safe?  Oh Wow. Oh Wow. Oh Wow. 

Who owns this literally-exclusive €110,000 Chariot parked on the Dodder pathway upstream of Irish Rail's DART dam on the Dodder?  Beside the "Crime Scene" Garda tape being misused to prevent the public being fully informed.

Chariot at Irish Rails Dodder Dam.

The total area was sealed off by Garda Crime Scene tape to exclude the plebs.  Of course its not a cover up. Where's your evidence?

A safety zone of 50 metres would suffice especially as Irish Rail's beavers had already cleared the dam. "Crime Scene" or cover up?


After Flood - Damming Evidence - Dam Struts.

Irish Rail: 'It Was Three Trees What Damaged The Bridge'.

Dodder View Cottages Perspective on DART Dam.

Images used here with permission of copyright owner.   

October 28, 2011

Irish Rails Dam on Dodder - Upstream Images


Images below are on the Upstream side of the DART bridge at Lansdowne Road Station.  Upstream is the Ballsbridge side of the DART bridge.   So we now have a Ballsbridge upstream of the newly Ballsedupbridge.




Debris being removed ASAP from public view - after the 24 October 2011 Dodder flash flood.  Much of the debris had already been removed when these views were still open to the public.

The tarpaulin from shore to shore has already been removed.  

Irish Rail omits mention of scaffolding and tarpaulin in Irish Times (churnalism), Irish Independent (churnalism) and own website.  Its spin blames a few logs for the obstruction.  

By Friday the public were no longer allowed to view the scene by police "Crime Scene" tape.  Something to hide?  On advice from the Financial Regulator or The Mayo Mafia operating from FG's pay-to-play tent in the K-Club?


DART service has been suspended from Friday.  The cute-hoor meisterwerk built by Irish Rail has flooded Ballsbridge and damaged Irish Rail's DART bridge.  

Upstream, the bridge first erected by Mr Balls in 1791 has not collapsed.  It seems there was no dam built directly under Mr Balls's bridge. 


JobBridge Internship.

Are you a Civil Engineer?  Are you currently in compliance with Fianna Gael or Opus Dei or Eejits Ireland or Royal Propaganda & Spin (RPS)?  Going forward do you need €50 per week to be upskilled in advance planning for flooding your community using best available technology and scaffolding?    Here is your JobBridge Internship in water management.

Ref. INTE-633563


The intern will gain practical experience in Water, Waste Water Flooding and other minor works contracts incl: project inception, brief and appointment of clients representative; preparation of preliminary report; preparation of contract documents and tender stage; construction and handover and financial management of projects.

Skills Requirements

Civil Engineer Graduate with an interest in Capital Infrastructure projects. Qualifications Level: Third Level Qualifications Details: Civil Engineer Graduate

Please Note:

This is an Internship. An allowance of €50 per week will be paid in addition to your current Social Welfare payment.See eligibility criteria above.


Irish Rail Floods Ballsbridge by Damming Dodder River

Überschwemmung durch Teknik.

 "Beavers could not have built a better dam".
 - Newly Homeless Man in Ballsbridge

In mid-2011 Irish Rail built struts for a dam under the DART bridge over the Dodder river at Lansdowne Road Station in Dublin, Ireland. 

This was a carefully planned process by Chartered Eejits.  First extensive scaffolding was built under the bridge to trap large debris such as tree trunks, beer barrels and bicycles.  Next tarpaulin was added to the upriver scaffolding to trap smaller river debris.   Then the planners had to wait patiently for a flood.  Politicians waited to harvest the empathy votes.  Their prayers were all answered on Monday, October 24, 2011.

Ballsbridge was flooded: Dodder View Cottages and the Sweepstakes apartments. Plus Insurance offices, banks, stock brokers and capital gamblers.  Awesome.  

You shuld go to the Flickr link below to see truly "awesome" images of the flood in Ballsbridge at Dodder View Cottages - the river is 5m to 7m above its normal height.  This happened in about 40 minutes.  Irish Rails dam is about 300 metres downstream.

Stage 2 of the plan was implemented at 08:00 on Tuesday morning.  The tarpaulin was immediately removed from view.  Debris and finger-pointing evidence was removed from Dodder pathways.  Then the dam itself was cleared.  By Wednesday just the dam framework, the scaffolding, remained.

Churnalism was published on Thursday by the captive Irish Times & Independent who untruthfully blamed a few tree trunks.  The spin totally omitted the scaffolding and the tarpaulin.  A most curious omission by Ireland's 'papers of record'.

On Friday further work was carried out with all viewing points blocked off from public view by the absurd use of Irish Police "Crime Scene" tape.  Do the Gardai know of this misuse of crime tape on the Dodder path?   Why was the Dodder walk blocked off not for 50m or even 100m but for for a distance of 300M from the bridge?  There was no heavy equipment on the Dodder path on Friday, apart from a large brand new Audi, an Überschwemmung durch Teknik management class Audi.

When the heavy equipment was present on Tuesday & Wednesday the path was not blocked - the scene could be safely observed.  What is being hidden by the absurd usage of "crime-scene" tape?    

A large Zurich Insurance office block was flooded and had to be abandoned.    Maybe they will investigate the beavers in Irish Rail.  Or even the crony-cartel directing the beavers.  

Irish Rail and Dublin City Council will ignore the hundreds of people flooded out of their homes.  After all they had been fully informed several times in advance by the public.   Looters, carpet-salesmen and politicians are already harvesting the area.  Politicians with knowledge of the dam who did nothing - in advance.   But they can now be expected to cynically harvest votes by offering sympathy to the newly homeless.   


Downriver for the first time in history the Dodder wall at Marian College also collapsed along a 30 metre stretch - exactly where a new flood-wall is being built on sand, without pile-driving.  Fire Brigade time was diverted from helping the trapped elderly: the 'corpo' had no keys for the new flood gates and washed their hands by pointing their fingers at Irishtown Garda Station.  This time the corpo did not blame the ESB.

October 16, 2011

Poolbeg Incinerator could cost Ireland up to $2.5 Billion per year.

The proposed Poolbeg Incinerator will cause up to 300 premature deaths per year, a view not contested by Ireland's 2007 Environment Minister.   The view was framed as a question and was put to the Environment Minister in Dáil Éireann by current Education Minister Ruairi Quinn.  

Doing the sums, based on current US EPA numbers for the cost of premature deaths, the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator could cost Ireland up to $2.5 Billion per year.

The United States EPA claims that by 2014 a new law titled "CSAPR" will prevent 13,000-34,000 pollution-related premature deaths, and yield between $120 billion and $280 billion in health and environmental benefits annually.   [See full article in The Economist, Oct 15th 2011 | ATLANT|New rules on power-plant emissions invite a host of lawsuits].

This law is opposed by "power companies", a title misused by incineration companies such as Covanta.  Covanta is most likely giving lots of cash to politicians to buy off this US law.  In Ireland its reported that Covanta has bought influence with Environment Minister Hogan at The K Club golf course, FG's Galway Tent.  In the Irish context 'cross-state' becomes 'cross-border' or 'transatlantic'.  Even before the Poolbeg waste-to-toxins factory is built, illegal pollution from repeated-lawbreaker Covanta already crosses the Atlantic from Covanta incinerators to pollute Irish air.


About 340,000 people die prematurely each year in Europe from air pollution.  EU laws are less ambitious on particle pollution than in capitalist America.  In 2007 FF's Environment Minister did not contest the question expressed in The Dail by TD Quinn that the proposed incinerator could cause up to 300 premature deaths per year in Dublin.   All such costs will be transferred to Ireland's taxpayers and their farcical hospitals.  This observation was presented to the Bord Pleanala Hearing in 2007, and totally ignored, a Financial Regulator Best Available Trick.  One director on Bord Pleanala's executive board is an "ex" employee of DCC's English spin-consultant RPS, the outfit which apparently hijacked an Engineers Ireland 'report' to spin for incineration; in other reports it was ruled that RPS and DCC "massaged" information on incineration to mislead the public (Judge McKechnie, 2009).  Bord Pleanala's current chairman has been transferred from Ireland's crony-rich EPA, a facade of non-regulation also laced with "ex" incineration industry stalwarts.

THERE is nothing like a broad new federal regulation to make Jarndyce and Jarndyce seem like a simple dispute over a traffic ticket. As of October 11th no fewer than 36 separate entities—states, cities, power companies, trade associations—had petitioned the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit to review or stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from implementing the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). Eight entities have intervened on the EPA’s behalf. More could jump into the fray in the next month.

The rule at the centre of this scrum requires power plants in 28 states—everything from Texas eastwards, except Delaware and the six New England states, and including Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas—to reduce emissions that contribute to ozone and fine-particle pollution in other states. (Other states’ emissions do not have enough of an effect on air-quality in neighbouring states to trigger a reduction.) The rule is scheduled to take effect from January 1st 2012. By 2014 these states’ sulphur-dioxide emissions must be 27% of what they were in 2005, while nitrogen-oxide levels must fall to 46% of their 2005 levels.

CSAPR replaces the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), issued in March 2005, and also the subject of lengthy litigation before the same court, which found in it “more than several fatal flaws”. The court left CAIR’s provisions in place, but ordered the EPA to come up with a better rule: hence CSAPR. The EPA claims that by 2014 CSAPR will prevent 13,000-34,000 pollution-related premature deaths, and yield between $120 billion and $280 billion in health and environmental benefits annually. Those benefits, the EPA insists, outweigh the costs of implementation; though there may be rate changes for consumers, these should be “well within the range of normal electricity price fluctuations”.

October 3, 2011

Covanta Buying Incinerator Politicians in Maryland

Buying Influence in Maryland.
Covanta and buddy-company Energy Answers International are legally giving money to Maryland Governor O'Malley in return for permitting a new incinerator.  Just $46,000 is cheap for a $300 million project and they don't even need to pay-to-play the US Ambassador.  For more read The Washington Examiner.

Buying Influence in Ireland.
One of Fine Gael's Galway Tents is pitched at the K Club where its reported FG legally obtained cash from Covanta prior to the 2011 general election.  Don't ask local TDs where the cash comes from for holidays in San Francisco billed as Silicon Valley learning expeditions for the good of The Irish People.  

In 2012 it's expected FG's Hogan will re-write Irish laws to create "certainty" for Covanta's bankers to finance about €300 million for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.  In the meantime Covanta is increasing the cash it's returning to Covanta shareholders ($300 million).  Anglo Irish Bank is an example of the certainty created by Ireland's inbred crony cartel.  

Incineration Promoters Use EPA, Bord Pleanala & Engineers Ireland Brand.
Similar to the fired Financial Regulator the directors in these organisations seem to treat their professional employees or members as compliant jackasses.

Labelled as 'consulting', Energy Answers International has paid the former director of EPA-Ireland to spin for it in Ireland.  One trick is to covertly hijack  the Engineers Ireland brand in a report designed by a PR company to create cover for dodgy politicians.  Unsurprisingly  "ex" incinerator industry employees have been stuffed onto the decision making boards of both EPA-Ireland and An Bord Pleanála where professionally qualified inspectors get over-ruled.  

Without any repercussions at least one DCC technocrat has told lies to mislead the public on the Poolbeg Incinerator - google McKechnie's judgement concerning "massaged" reports from DCC/RPS.  The President of Engineers Ireland is from RPS and promotes incineration for DCC.  The prior President of Engineers Ireland claimed not to see an ethics conflict in the covert exploitation by the incineration industry of Engineers Ireland.  The esteemed EI President now plans a media campaign to build the Engineers Ireland brand.  The official marcom project brief will exclude any massaged thoughts about indirectly benefiting the covert promotion of incineration or RPS or DCC.


Extract from Washington Examiner

Another major contributor to Maryland officials has been Energy Answers International, a New York company that is planning to build a controversial [incinerator] waste-burning power plant in Baltimore.

In June 2009, the company applied for a license to build the plant. Over the next two years, Energy Answers, Chief Executive Officer Patrick Mahoney and owner Covanta Energy gave roughly $30,000to the [state Governor] O'Malley administration and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

O'Malley in October 2010 praised the planned plant as a national model for green energy. Ten days later, the companies heaped $16,000 on him and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown through campaign donations.
-By: Hayley Peterson | 09/29/2011 
Examiner Staff Writer

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

ead more at the Washington Examiner:

Watch The Wire to get "a taste" for the integrity of Maryland and Baltimore politicians and The Sopranos for a look at New Jersey waste-industry entrepreneurs.

October 2, 2011

Covanta Payoff for Funding Fine Gael = Poolbeg Incinerator

FG's Dr Tormented Is Desperately Shilling for Covanta?

Why is a city councillor who claims to be a doctor and "specialist in chemical pathology" not doing his utmost to prevent Covanta operating in Ireland? 


By supporting lawbreaker Covanta, Dr Tormented is supporting the export of €900 Million to Covanta in Luxembourg or in the Caribbean.  And he supports the potential billions in health damage done to the people of Dublin.  Luckily any health damage and premature deaths caused by an environmental lawbreaker create a lucrative market for health care professionals.

Its widely reported that a Covanta agent in Ireland legally used The Galway Tent  K Club Golf Tournaments to route undisclosed sums of cash to Fine Gael.  Before the 2011 general election Covanta met with soon-to-be ministers Quinn and Hogan.  So is it any surprise that Fine Gael's Dr Tormented, a lowly FG councillor, is on board with Covanta's needs? 

"we [Fine Gael?] are continually exhorting them [Covanta] to resume construction but it is unlikely that it will happen till next year."- Dr Tormented's Blog.

Everyone knows that international banks and Covanta are mighty fine corporate citizens.  Dr Tormented seems to claim that Covanta needs to be helped in its desperate need to borrow cash from these banks and indicates that FG's Hogan will re-write Irish laws to create "certainty" for Covanta and these international banks in the proposed Poolbeg waste-to-toxins scam.  

Since 2011 Fine Gael has been implementing the traitorous FF policy of bankrupting Ireland by exporting Irish taxpayers money to bail out German, American, Dutch, UK and French banks.  These banks gambled  by investing £520 Billion with Seanie's Anglo-Irish, Allied-Irish, First-National and the rest of the inbred cabal.  The international banks know that corrupt Irish governments will always bail them out.  So where is the alleged business risk for Covanta bankers?


Covanta, formerly known as Ogden, is a company which has repeatedly and illegally released dioxins and other unknown chemical compounds into the air in New Jersey & Connecticut & elsewhere.  

Why is a doctor who claims to be a "specialist in chemical pathology" not doing his utmost to prevent Covanta operating in Ireland? 

September 27, 2011

Mary Kelly: Bord Pleanala Appointed Irelands Finest

Ireland's financial regulator shows the damage done to Ireland by the inbred crony cartel.  Has England's RPS covertly hijacked Engineers Ireland reputation to publish one-sided bias on incineration?  Has DCC paid ESRI to spin one-sided bias on incineration?  Are Bórd Pleanála and EPA in the same camp?  

 EPA & Bord Pleanala's "Utterly Compromised" Kelly?

In June 2011, Mary Kelly was appointed as chairman of An Bord Pleanála.   She comes from the apparently highly dysfunctional EPA which approved the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator in 2007 just a few days after Bord Pleanala, by black magic, and before the EPA Hearings in 2008!  As there is no question of brown envelopes why was this done?

Kelly was appointed under the watch of Fianna Gael's TD Hogan.  Hogan's FG is reported to have received cash from the New Jersey lawbreaker contracted by Dublin City Council for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.  This cash greatly helped FG to win control of Dáil Éireann.

Bord Pleanala (BP) already has an "ex" employee from the English consulting outfit RPS on its Board.  In 2007 the board over-ruled the BP inspector.  


The Green Party spent its years in opposition hammering the Agency, its activities, its Directors, and its Director-General, Mary Kelly.
Mary Kelly is a former Assistant Director, with responsibility for environmental policy, of the employers’ group, IBEC.  She was reappointed Director-General this year in spite of the Green Party’s opposition to the initial appointment which was said to have come following an interview process which attracted an unusually low average calibre of applicant. At the time, Trevor Sargent publicly suggested that the appointment “utterly compromised” the EPA as she was “too close to businesses”. In a telling insight into the power of the Greens in Government, it’s said that the Greens approved the reappointment because they were afraid that someone worse would otherwise be selected.

Dutch Incinerator Imports Waste from Naples Mafia

According to informed sources at the ECB, The Grand Canyon was formed from the shock of a Dutchman dropping a Guilder.

The Dutch have a reputation for being frugal. But trading health for money is just cheap.  Helping the Camorra mafia is cheap. 

Recycling is a problem in the Netherlands.  Widespread recycling means Dutch incinerators no longer have enough waste.  In Florida, financial threats from a Covanta incinerator are reported to be a threat to recycling.

Bórd Pleanála Observation - 2007.


Dutch to import and destroy refuse from Naples

A CONSORTIUM of Dutch waste disposal companies has reached outline agreement with the Italian city of Naples to remove and destroy 250,000 tonnes of refuse a year – potentially ending a waste crisis which has beset the city since 2008.
The refuse will be imported into the Netherlands and burned at the country’s 12 waste-to-energy incinerators which are currently operating at less than full capacity because the Netherlands – despite being the most densely populated country in Europe – does not generate enough waste.
Because of that shortage, the Netherlands already imports domestic and industrial waste from the UK, and has been actively pursuing an agreement with Naples because of the high volume of landfill available.
The paperwork is now expected to be signed before the end of this week.
The Dutch-Italian deal comes as opponents of a controversial €102 million incinerator planned by Dublin City Council for the Poolbeg peninsula, near Sandymount, argue that Dublin does not generate anything near the 600,000 tonnes of rubbish a year needed to make the facility viable.
In the Netherlands, however, waste disposal companies have been trawling for refuse from other European countries in an effort to improve the efficiency of the waste-to-energy plants.
“That’s why we regard this deal as the perfect win-win situation”, says Dick Hoogendorn, managing director of the Dutch waste management association, Vereniging Afvalbedrijven, which negotiated the deal.
“It works for everyone: we hope to solve the refuse problem which has been a big embarrassment and health hazard for Naples for several years – and at the same time we will be generating energy for the Netherlands.”
Despite those benefits, Dr Bendiks Jan Boersma, professor of energy technology at the Technical University of Delft, says the regular transfer of so much mixed waste does inevitably raise legitimate environment and health concerns.
“When you transport so much waste from Italy to the Netherlands you bring with it all sorts of other undesirable things, such as trace elements, heavy metals, perhaps cadmium and mercury.
“The fact is that those substances remain here.”
The refuse crisis in Naples came to international attention in January 2008 after municipal workers refused to make domestic collections because the city’s landfill sites were full to overflowing.
At one point it was estimated there were as many as 200,000 tonnes of refuse piling up on the streets.
As health concerns grew, the government of Romano Prodi called the army in to clear the refuse using bulldozers, a move which prompted angry protesters to clash with police in the city centre.
At the time it was suggested that the Camorra – the local equivalent of the Mafia – was causing at least part of the problem because it had become involved in the lucrative waste-management business and frequently dumped hazardous waste illegally.

Dutch Ports Import 250,000 Tonnes of Waste To Feed Incinerators

"The Dutch no longer produce enough garbage to keep their 12 waste power plants operating at full capacity. The Netherlands is already importing waste from the United Kingdom, and soon a quarter of a million tonnes of Italian rubbish will sail into Dutch ports every year."


The port is why Berty's Drumcondra Mafia choose Poolbeg for their proposed incinerator.   

Dutch To Breath In Mafia's Waste (Poolbeg Incinerator)

Dutch MP Henk van Gerven says:

“If we in the Netherlands have to incinerate less waste as a result of recycling then we should be pleased about this.
It means, after all, that the incinerators can be closed down and the air cleaned up. Carting waste to the Netherlands in order to aid the mafia is hardly sensible.
I don’t think that the Dutch people will be happy breathing in the fumes from the Mafia’s rubbish. Let’s put a stop to this nonsense."

Highly efficient recycling means there is no longer enough waste for Dutch incinerators.

The machines must be fed.
Who ya gonna call?  Lawbreaker Covanta in New Jersey?  Toni Soprano?  Toni Orlando?  The Mafia?  The Camorrah?

According to Dutch paper Het Parool about eighteen thousand (18,000) people die prematurely each year in the Netherlands from air pollution.   Amsterdam's premature death rate exceeds the national average by one thousand deaths per year.  It is claimed in the newspaper that nobody knows why.  Even Tol Pot at a Dublin 'research' institute funded by the incinerator's promoters denies proof of a link.  

A massive incinerator fired up in the 90's to the west of Amsterdam.  Go figure.

Cheap Dutch Solution: 

  • Help out the Camorra mafia in Naples.  
  • Pollute Dutch air.  
  • Damage health.  
  • Kill Dutch people prematurely.  
  • Make tax payers pay for massive health care damages.   


August 15th, 2011 •

SP Member of [Dutch] Parliament Henk van Gerven is urging the government to reject plans for the import of waste from Naples for processing by Dutch firms. The waste processing companies want to bring some of the rubbish piling up in the Italian city to the Netherlands for incineration.

‘Carting waste around is always unnecessary,’ says Van Gerven, ‘but it is particularly bad if by doing so we are going to the aid of the Italian mafia.

Henk van GervenIt is the fault of the Mafia that the mountain of rubbish in Naples has grown so much over the last few years. Organised crime makes a great deal of money by standing in the way of the construction of effective waste processing and via illegal dumping. “The local population is not helped by this sort of solution,” says Van Gerven. “If we take the problem on, the mafia will be able to continue happily on their way, carrying on frustrating processing and dumping the waste.”

Dutch incineration plants have, on paper, an overcapacity which means that they are interested in the Italian waste. During the last ten years numerous incinerators have been built, despite the fact that it has long been clear that demand in the Netherlands itself was getting smaller. “Low-cost incineration of waste is not a sustainable solution to the problem,” Van Gerven insists.

“If we in the Netherlands have to incinerate less waste as a result of recycling then we should be pleased about this. It means, after all, that the incinerators can be closed down and the air cleaned up. Carting waste to the Netherlands in order to aid the mafia is hardly sensible. I don’t think that the Dutch people will be happy breathing in the fumes from the Mafia’s rubbish. Let’s put a stop to this nonsense.