April 12, 2012

Covanta Using MacQuarie to seek Debt & Equity

Covanta's Sam Zell.  Multi-Billionaire.
How will Macquarie Capital price the risk of Covanta's proposed Poolbeg Incinerator contract being declared illegal by the EU? 

The legal payments to FF and to FG by agents of Covanta and the interference by associated aliens prior to and during an Irish General Election may influence the rigging of the market for waste in Dublin but are unlikely to be as influential with the EU's lawyers. 

From Macquarie's spin department via sparkspread and the Irish Independent:

  • Macquarie Capital, Covanta Energy and 'Project Liath'. 
  • €350m via third-party equity and senior and mezzanine debt. 
  • Covanta plans to invest between €100m and €150m of its own equity
 Macquarie Capital has begun trying to drum up interest in what its marketing literature labels 'Project Liath'. It's trying to help Covanta raise as much as €350m via third-party equity and senior and mezzanine debt. 
Macquarie has already undertaken preliminary marketing and next month (May 2012) it expects to provide a more detailed information memorandum as well as a financial model to pre-qualified parties.

The known risks of investing in a project possibly dictated to officials at Dublin City Council by The Drumcondra Mafia and the disgraced Bertie Ahern are not mentioned.  Such risks include future legal cases to investigate DCC-RPS 'massaging' the truth to mislead the public (Judge McKechnie) and the very dodgy incinerator procurement process which apparently violates EU Law on several fronts.  


Is it possible Macquarie represented any of the secret bondholders whose private bond debts were socialised by Bertie's buddies to the tune of €70 Billion in September 2008?

Questions on EU Law could be addressed to Macquarie in 'The City' in the UK:

Advisory and capital raisingLene Holten+44 20 3037 2045Email
Financial InstutitionsLouis d'Alancon+44 20 3037 5228Email
IndustrialsMichael Tarrant+44 20 3037 2697Email
Real EstateJonathan Harris+44 20 3037 5614Email
ResourcesSam Small+44 20 3037 5432Email
Infrastructure, Utilities and RenewablesDaniel Wong+44 20 3037 2232Email
Telecommunications, Media, Entertainment
and Technology
Bill Kennish+44 20 3037 2426Email
Debt Capital MarketsSergio Ronga+44 20 3037 5932Email
Equity Capital MarketAntony Isaacs+44 20 3037 5436Email
Private Capital MarketsAdam Hain+44 20 3037 2232Email

April 8, 2012

Are Covanta Shareholders Safe From EU Investigation into Procurement Law Violations for Dublin Incinerator?

Along with other 'strokes' it would appear that Dublin City Council has broken EU Procurement laws concerning the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.   It would be good if Covanta (CVA) made a full disclosure to the SEC on the matter in order to fully inform its shareholders.

Breaches of EU Public Procurement Rules by Dublin City Council
A formal complaint was submitted on 28 March 2012 to the EU Commission offices.

  • The complaint concerns breaches of the EU Public Procurement Directives by Dublin City Council.  

If you are a CVA shareholder you may wish to visit www.fiasco.ie for these PDFs and then ask some questions at the Covanta conference call scheduled for 8:30 AM (Eastern) on Thursday, April 19, 2012 to discuss its first quarter results.  Or simply sell CVA if you conclude the known-unknowns and hassle are too high.

Documents (www.fiasco.ie) 
Below are materials supporting EU Public Procurement Rules complaint:
Press Release - EU Complaint re Poolbeg Incinerator.pdf.
March 2012
Background Material - EU Complaint re Poolbeg Incinerator.pdf.
March 2012

CVA owners could also note the costs of litigation in Ireland.  A recently concluded tribunal into other dodgy dealings for another public utility contract awarded by members of the current FG administration took fifteen years and cost $450 Million (€300 Million).   What would Mr Zell say if his senior managers were tied up for 15 years until 2027?

In the USA its illegal for aliens to buy influence from members of congress.  Perhaps CVA owners could ask why Covanta, an alien entity in Ireland, paid money to Ireland's FG before the Irish General Election and ask what they were promised in return for their money.  Covanta senior management held at least one known meeting with two members of the current administration (Minister Quinn; Minister Hogan) during the 2011 Irish General Election.   

UK National revolt hits plans to burn waste

London Times.  9 April 2012.

National revolt hits plans to burn waste

London Times.  9 April 2012.  Front Page.

March 29, 2012

Poolbeg Incinerator Breaks EU Law

The contract awarded by Dublin City Council for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator breaks EU Law.  Is this Bertie's work?


Accurate Image of Proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.

Accurate Image of Proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.
(c) T. Plunkett.  Image presented by T. Plunkett to Bord Pleanala hearing in 2007.  Accuracy validated by BP Inspector.   The proposed incinerator as large as Croke Park would dominate the foreshore and severely impact "the visual amenity" of Dublin Bay.

Other Unlawful Acts by Poolbeg Incinerator Promoters:
Perhaps not unlike Bertie Ahern, DCC and RPS told "untruths" to mislead the public on the Poolbeg Incinerator.  This includes DCC or RPS "massaging" RPS reports.  The Bord Pleanala hearing was also presented with misleading statistics concerning financial impacts.  And with images which by their expensive design mislead the public - spoon-fed to the media they hide the visual impact of the Croke Park sized carbuncle on all of Dublin Bay.  This untruth is from consultants paid in excess of €29,000,000 for engineering work and €25,000 per month for PR spin.

In addition, PJ Rudden who runs RPS's incinerator game & knows better, used the captive Irish Times to state that a modern incinerator will not have any health impact.  That is another untruth.  Whatever about Ireland's other world-renowned institutions Engineers in Ireland deserve better standards from the president of Engineers Ireland, aka The Institution of Engineers in Ireland.

March 27, 2012

Moriarty Tribunal, Fine Gael Money & Poolbeg Incinerator

If you give piddling amounts of money to Fine Gael you may gain billions.  Two examples:
  • Mobile Phone Licence.  
  • Poolbeg Incinerator. 

Fine Gael Money & Mobile Phone Licence
Once upon a time a man wanted a mobile phone licence and Fine Gael was given a lot of money.  Golfing pretexts at the K-Club were used.  The man was not a Russian Oligarch and did not murder 50 managers in any Aluminium Wars nor buy any football clubs, did he?  The Moriarty Tribunal investigated and condemned the carry-on.  The people involved include TD Hogan, humanitarian Dennis O'Brien and fired journalist Sarah Carey.  FF used the Galway Tent.  FG uses the exclusive K-Club.  

After the donations to FG the man was awarded a mobile phone licence for Ireland and became a Billionaire after leaving Ireland because of the capital gains tax.

Fine Gael Money & Poolbeg Incinertator 
More recently Covanta is reported by a newspaper to have legally given at least €10,000 to Fine Gael, either directly or through an estate agent.  Golfing pretexts at the K-Club were used.  The total of all amounts given to Fine Gael are secret.  As are Covanta's meetings during the General Election with Ruari Quinn and Hogan/Kenny, funders for their parties.

The people involved in funding FG include TD Hogan.  And by pure coincidence Sarah Carey - who lied to the Moriarty Tribunal - popped up on Tol Pot's blog to share her deepest expertise on the Poolbeg Incinerator.  After finally conceding the highly esteemed ESRI was biased by its DCC paymaster Tol Pot took the noon stage to Brighton .  In 2009 both RPS and DCC were ruled by Judge McKechnie to have mislead the public by massaging the truth.  But perhaps they were telling no untruths.  Hopefully the President of Engineers Ireland was not simply kowtowing to truthful Bertie.  Its possible the Drumcondra Mafia are among the cute hoors pushing the absurd Poolbeg Incinerator.  Whats another Billion?

Hogan at Tribunal Investigating FG Money & Mobile Phone Licence
(Image: Broadsheet.ie)

Covanta's agent has been rewarded by Environment Minister Hogan.  Immediately after the privately funded election Mr Hogan started rewriting Irish law to create a Stalinist private-monopoly-market for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.  Even the Camorra don't have such influence over Naples's waste.

For just a few shillings Covanta now stands to gain one or two Billion, for export out of bankrupted Ireland to a Caribbean tax haven via Luxembourg or The Netherlands.


Its also reported Hogan tried to shut down the Moriarty Tribunal.  And he has also placed a large multimedia message beside the Irish Glass Bottle site threatening people to pay the new 'household' tax specially created to fund the bailout of gambling German and French pension funds.  These gamblers helped Anglo-Irish Bank and DDDA waste €500 Million at the IGB site.

March 23, 2012

Bishop Hogan's Vingince On Traitor Gormley.

Dodder at Lansdowne DART Station.

2012: "Vingince"
By Bishop Hogan.

Bishop Hogan remembers that green traitor who voted to make Paddy pay for bondholder gambling in Ireland by the pension funds of Deutsche Bank, Porsche AG, Siemens GmbH, Daimler Benz GmbH and BASF of the cyclone chemicals.  And don't ever again mention the €10,000 and more allegedly paid legally by Covanta to Hogan's FG for a Poolbeg Incinerator Four Ball in the K Club.

Stab City Backbone.
Ich Liebe Der Schwarzwald. 

Flooding will increase in Ballsbridge once the 'engineers' and 'planners' have finished converting the flash-flood Dodder into a brutalist canal.  Replanting the chopped-down forests in the Dublin mountains and restoring the historic floodplains west of Ballsbridge does not create enough brown-envelope opportunities.

All images are copyright of their owners.  

Move Along. No Fraud To See Here. Dodder Crime Scene..

Were Dublin's eejits distinguished civil engineers and planners in DCC and OPW all abused when they were altar boys?  
Dodder Between Lansdowne Road Bridge & Lansdowne DART Bridge.

Viewed from Marian College Side of 'Lansdowne Road Bridge'.   

Dodder Between Lansdowne Road Bridge & Lansdowne DART Bridge.

Viewed from Marian College Side of 'Lansdowne Road Bridge'.   
If the Eejits Ireland members were not abused why did they criminally vandalise the Dodder between Lansdowne Road Bridge (New Bridge) and Lansdowne DART bridge?

Dodder Crime Scene.
Dodder at Lansdowne Road.

All images are copyright of their owners.  

February 8, 2012

890,000 tonnes of CO2 pollution from one Covanta incinerator.

Covanta’s SEMASS incinerator in Rochester, Massachusetts, produced about 890,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2010.

NOX, Dioxins, Furans and dust, especially PM 2.5 is additional. Not forgetting accidents.  And explosions.


Read more: http://www.patriotledger.com/topstories/x720909840/EPA-Fore-River-plant-is-3rd-highest-direct-source-of-greenhouse-gas-emissions-in-Mass#ixzz1lnnG5Rx8

Covanta SEMASS cited for safety violations

ROCHESTER — Two years after an explosion caused a two-day fire and led to the discovery of safety violations, the SEMASS trash-burning plant has been cited for four more violations.
.On March 31, 2007, a fire, which burned for two days, broke out at the plant following an explosion in a garbage shredder. That blaze caused $18 million in damage and required the help of firefighters from 36 surrounding towns.

"Mafia" Waste Arrives in Rotterdam Port.

Rotterdam, Jan 23, 2012.

Guess why the site for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator is in Dublin port.  On 23 January 2012 in the port of Rotterdam work began on unloading the first shipment of mafia controlled waste from Naples   Nobody knows what toxins are mixed in with the so-called "household waste".  Ask the buffalo before throwing your mozzarella pizza in the toxins bin.

Efficient recycling programs have reduced the volume of waste in Holland.  This gives capital-intensive incinerators a problem - the white-elephants have too much capacity.  

So the Dutch incinerators now have to import waste from Naples where the market is controlled by The Camorra. The Dutch also import waste from Britain and will soon do so from Germany.   Holland is already one of the most polluted countries in Europe with high premature death rates from air pollution.  It's also rich and educated.  And has cannibals eating each others flesh on live TV.  Dublin City Council spends €25,000 a month to spin that Paddy should follow the awesome examples of Vienna, Copenhagen and Amsterdam.  The honest apparatchiks in DCC do not distribute this map showing high death rates from air pollution in the EU core.


Delta NV is a large company owned by the Dutch state.  It operates potentially polluting incinerators in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany under the Indaver brand headquartered in Antwerp.   The Dutch company is building an incinerator in Meath, Ireland, approved by the patriotic Fianna Fail regime.

"... the Indaver group continued to grow its profit by a higher amount than expected. Capacity utilisation was very high at all the major processing plants. Volumes and revenues were boosted by a number of large one-off (clean-up) projects.  Operations in Belgium and the Netherlands, in particular, reported strong results."
-Delta N.V. Half-Year Report for 2011

Delta's half-year report for 2011 is economic with the truth on the specifics of the "one-off clean-up projects".


"The new sindacos, the mayors who have been appointed by AMG, the Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory, to replace the old Fascist podestĂ s, are stated in the main to be members of the criminal Camorra." 1944, page 70, Naples '44. 

"According to a pentito in the 2004 DDA investigation, 50 percent of the shops in Naples alone are actually run by the Camorra." 2006, page 50, Gomorrah.

February 2, 2012

Accurate Poolbeg Incinerator Image

In contrast to the cynical and misleading helicopter-views spoon fed by DCC/RPS to RTE and The Irish Times here is an accurate visualisation of the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.   With dimensions of 200 metres long by 130 metres wide by 52 metres high it would be as big as Croke Park and totally dwarf the already massive whitish-grey power plant building to the left.  
Accurate Image of Proposed Poolbeg Incinerator: 200M x 130M x 52 metres.

(c) T. Plunkett.  Image presented by T. Plunkett to An Bord Pleanala hearing in 2007.  Accuracy validated by An Bord Pleanaála Inspector Thornton.   

The proposed incinerator as large as Croke Park would dominate the foreshore and severely impact "the visual amenity" of Dublin Bay.  The main building would be 200 metres long by 130 metres wide, by 52 metres in height at the highest point.  The chimneys would be 100 metres high.  (Source: Page 10 of Bord Pleanala document PL29S.CH2061/ PL29S.EF2022).

So the main incinerator building would be higher than the chimneys of the grey power station to the left. 

Images designed to mislead the public about the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator have been distributed at great taxpayer expense to media in Ireland by Dublin City Council.  

Unknown insiders at DCC have paid English company RPS about €25,000 per month for regurgitated propaganda and spin (RPS).   In excess of €4 million has been exported to date just for the PR spin.  Despite the €4.5 Million total for PR it would seem the Irish people have not exactly been honestly informed about incineration.   It is very curious how this taxpayer money has been used.  

Twenty One Meetings - No Records. Poolbeg Incinerator.

February 2012.

DCC apparatchiks held twenty one secret meetings with New Jersey's Covanta. No records were kept by DCC, they say. If there are no records why has DCC spent €25,000 a month with RPS to massage the truth?  And a few million on lawyers.

Watch Prime Time's story here 
Go to 03:46 to hear about the secret meetings scam.

Ask Judge McKechnie about DCC truths.


The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
W.B. Yeats: The Second Coming

New Jersey
Sopranos Secret Meeting:  The Second Coming.

The episode begins with asbestos and waste smoking into the air in an area of scrub-land near the New Jersey Meadowlands.  A.J.becomes interested in W. B. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming" and reads it in bed. He feels deeply disillusioned with the political and materialist status quo.  He follows the advice of the Drumcondra Mafia boss and goes to the pool to attempt suicide.  

Toni appears before the SEC to explain the Covanta Curse.

Proposed Poolbeg Incinerator - TV Report


DCC has wasted €100 Million so far.   If they go ahead they will kill 100's of recycling jobs and export another €900 million to New Jersey and cause the premature ill-health and the premature deaths of an unknown number of people.

The RTE report omits possible lies told to the public by the promoters of the proposed incinerator.  (McKechnie Ruling - DCC "massage" of RPS reports).

Alternate link:

The 31 January 2012 segment from RTE Prime Time on the Poolbeg Incinerator fiasco starts just before minute 17.  It runs for about ten minutes.

Mr Pyjamas and Bambi did a no-show for Prime Time.  Perhaps Bambi is hiding out in Brighton with De Heer Professor Tol Pot and PJ is scheming how to further exploit the good name of Eejits Ireland on Clyde Road.

RPS & Burning €81 Million on Poolbeg Incinerator

RPS is a mighty fine English business working behind the scenes with apparatchiks at Dublin City Council and with Covanta, a serial lawbreaker from New Jersey.  

Imagine if the Casalesi clan  was running Dublin's waste business and Europe's largest incinerator.  In January 2012 mafia tactics were used by DCC.  Dublin's residents were made an offer they could not refuse.  After 140 years of public service accept a no-prior-notice offer within 10 days from a private offshore waste contractor selected secretly by unknown DCC insiders and pay a large up-front bundle of cash to the offshore contractor operating from a tax haven or your services will be terminated.   Breaking basic privacy and data protection considerations the immune DCC cowboys also gave private data on all of Dublin's residents to the contractor. They even authorised the offshore contractor to collect debts.  Gotta pud food on the table ...  

RPS is dining out and playing golf with the €26 million it's honestly earned so far from the distinguished engineering services it provides for DCC's time servers.  DCC has committed or wasted a further €74 million, not including the cost of lucrative pensions and public service retirement payoffs.

In December 2009 Judge McKechnie ruled that DCC used RPS reports to "massage" the truth.   That sounds like polite language to say that DCC lied to misinform the people.  It's curiously convenient that RPS reports may be used as a facade for credibility by De Drumcondra Mafia, FG's K Club and FF's Galway Tent.   At the time RPS was paid €25,000 per month to create spin for DCC.

At the public hearings on the Poolbeg Incinerator at least one "consultant" in the RPS syndicate used statistics cunningly painted with crayons to mislead the public.   While RPS was being paid €25,000 per month for spin.

RPS also legally acquired a unit of DCC 'communications' employees and made them RPS 'PR consultants'.  Recruiting public service employees is a standard trick used by Covanta (legally).   

In 2010 the Institution Of Engineers in Ireland, hiply branded as Engineers Ireland, issued a report promoting incineration.  The EI report curiously omitted to mention the pertinent fact that the author on incineration was a former incineration industry employee - whilst shouting out other CV data.   

EI's report also curiously omitted that a VP at Engineers Ireland in 2010 and EI president in 2011 is the head of the RPS-Ireland unit contracted by DCC to spin for the Poolbeg Incinerator.  RPS's team has been paid at least €26 million of taxpayers money.  So far.  

If you ask Engineers Ireland about possible conflicts of interest they refer you to their ethics policy without doing anything about answering your question.  The EI president for 2010 said he couldn't comment on the McKechnie judgement as there was a court case pending.  The financial regulator also has no comment.  

PS: Buddies Covanta routed money to Fine Gael before the 2011 general election (google: Hogan, French, K Club).



RTE reports the following (follow link for full report):

The project may be stalled but its costs are still mounting. Dublin City council has spent €81m on the project so far, it got about €4.5m back from Covanta the proposed incinerator operator but most of the spending is from the public purse. Slightly over half the money has been spent on buying land, according to council figures supplied this month to Cllr Paddy McCartan, but €29m has gone on consultants. 
A consortium of consultants led by RPS was paid a healthy €26m in fees so far. RPS say that they don’t get all of that money and that depending on the year, between 40% and 66% of the money they got for the project is passed on to sub-consultants. Under the Freedom of Information Act, however, Prime Time obtained invoices paid by Dublin City Council to RPS dating from mid 2004 to Sept 2011. Some of the spending seems quite extraordinary. In the 16 months after the site work stopped, the council paid RPS over €2.6m, even though the project appeared to be at a standstill. 
For several years the council was paying the PR wing of consultants RPS over €50,000 every two months as a “Communications Retainer.” That retainer continued to April 2011.
Even more extraordinary is that council figures show the PR spend on the project at €4.3m including a dedicated information office. And this €4.3m is separate from the communications fees paid to RPS.

January 17, 2012

Professor Tol Pot Takes Noon Stage

On The Same Page: The ESRI, Hogan, Carey, Dublin City Council, Fine Gael, Covanta & Political Perversion.

De Heer Tol Pot has taken the noon-stage from Ireland's esteemed ESRI to a heel lekker polytechnic in the south of England - for the sake of his children.  But coming from the frugal Netherlands where a Gulden is a Gulden and professors are paid half of Irish-professor rates perhaps it was for the sake of his take-home Guldens.   After all the shockwaves emanating from a Dutchman after he dropped just one Gulden coin was enough to form the Grand Canyon.  The IMF recently reduced Tol Pot's salary at ESRI by 30%. 

The IMF subjugated Paddy after the reckless Irish property boom during which the self proclaimed Economic Social Research Institute was Economic - with the truth.   Today this highly regarded ESRI is silent about Irish taxpayers bailing out The Netherlands ABN-AMRO, a major speculator in sub-prime mortgages and "investor" in Ireland with its friends in RBS and Deutsche Bank.

The great man seemed to be prone to bursts of arrogance, not a typical Dutch characteristic. Nevertheless Tol Pot finally acknowledged his Coffeeshop induced research with the dogs in the streets that the ESRI does no research of public service unless they have a man giving them King's Shillings.  Does the inbred cabal spinning for the Poolbeg Incinerator spring to mind?  

Tol Pot's spin in 2010-2011 was that Dublin City Council's large payment did not influence ESRI's report on the Poolbeg Incinerator.  But on his departure in 2012 he finally conceded that ESRI reports are used by well funded PR agencies to create spin for the ESRI's paymasters.  Politicians such as Bertie or Bishop Hogan may then use the PR spin as cover to misinform the public.  On this abuse of the public the economic-with-the-truth ESRI stays silent.  And ESRI ensures its staff stay silent, a best-practice from the Catholic hierarchy.   

Tol Pot denied moderating comments on his pro-incineration blog postings.  On running away from Ireland De Heer Tol Pot omitted any mention of his apparent practice of censoring of comments posted to his section on The Irish Economy blog on the topic of the Poolbeg Incinerator.  When challenged he at first claimed a curiously-incredible technical glitch.  Or was it the dog ate his internet packets.   De Heer Pot denied any moderation.   Later he further denied post-denial censorship.  And apparently used the more devious and subtle tactic of with-holding knowledgeable blog comments for a day or two, whilst publishing others, before cynically closing off comments to the blog when further challenged.  If accurately recalled from the  Baidu.com cache is this very curious behaviour for a great man of fundamental research and a man-of-truth.  

More curiously Sarah Carey, a fired Irish Times journalist with no known expertise on incineration, has popped up with comments to support Tol Pot's incineration postings on the Irish Economy Blog and on a Politics.ie discussion.   It's to be noted that Carey was fired by the Irish Times only after she publicly admitting to telling lies to a judge at a €100 million tribunal involving Fianna-Gael politicians and a businessman granted a mobile phone licence making him a Billionaire and owner of Irish media. The Irish Times depends on advertising cash from anti-democratic incinerator promoters in DCC; IT already knew Carey lied to the judge but did nothing till totally humiliated by Carey, apparently. Several lawyers have been made millionaires by the tribunal circus - the more misinformation and the more lies the better and the higher the costs to the taxpayer.  Carey sniggers she did not commit perjury as she was not under oath.  

Fianna Gael's K Club.
Fired journalist Carey is a insider buddy of Bishop Phil Hogan, Ireland's Environment Minister and reported arranger of cash donations to FG from New Jersey's Covanta using golf sponsorship at Fine Gaels galway tent at the K Club.  Seanie and BIFFO also did golf sponsorship before they bankrupted the country.  Hogan is now bending over any which way for Covanta, a corporation with a record of being fined for breaking American Law and of polluting America with dioxins and heavy metals and dangerous particles and gases over at least a 20 year period.  

Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool reported 18,000 deaths per year from air pollution across The Netherlands.  The Netherlands is effectively a large city with an area and population not dissimilar to Los Angeles.  Het Parool reported deaths from air pollution were dropping in Holland since the mid-1990s - except in Amsterdam.  It stated Amsterdam had one thousand deaths per year above the Dutch average and no-one new why.  Except Tol Pot of course.  He claimed the deaths were not from the incinerator fired up in the early 1990s.    Tol Pot claimed the incinerator to the west of Amsterdam is not responsible for the 1,000 excess deaths in Amsterdam per year.  Ignoring the fiasco of the Irish Voting Machines imported from The Netherlands he arrogantly ranted about world class Dutch science.  He even provided a reference to his incinerator-deaths-denial.  But this apparent reference to his claim seems to be an arrogant deflection from the truth.  Tol Pot's reference pointed to nothing specific.  The subtly constructed misdirection is a curious error for a practitioner of the miserable science and a preacher to De Paddy of the merits of fundamental research.  

Economic with the truth.

Sodemieter Op!  
Naar Brighton. 

 Salò, is a controversial1975 Italian drama film written and directed by Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini.  The film is noted for exploring the themes of political corruption, abuse of power, sadism, perversion, sexuality, and fascism.   See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sal%C3%B2,_or_the_120_Days_of_Sodom

Salo Image: This image is of a poster, and the copyright for it is most likely owned by either the publisher or the creator of the work depicted. It is believed that the use of scaled-down, low-resolution images of posters
  • to provide critical commentary on the film, event, etc. in question or of the poster itself, not solely for illustration
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qualifies as fair use under United States copyright lawAny other uses of this image, on Wikipedia or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement. See Wikipedia:Non-free content for more information.