From now on it's Green Bananas at the Autocracy.
On March 2, 2009 or so, Mr John Gormley appointed a successful and no doubt very honourable businessman from the Green-FF building industry to be the new chairman of the Dublin Docklands Development Autocracy.
Is this appropriate in light of the Green-FF building industry's leading role in the national bankruptcy?Why is the businessman billed by Green-FF and by Green-FF controlled RTE as a 'Green Entrepreneur' when he is actually a Building Entrepreneur, similar to millions of small contractors in North America and the Continent?
Was there an open competition for the position?
If so, what were the criteria?
The Green-FF Building Industry's Pyramid Scheme wrecked Ireland and misdirected billions in national potential. The cynical Developers Autocracy continues to wreck Dublin Bay which DDDA cynically re-labels as 'Poolbeg' to fool the trusting citizen. Apart from perhaps indirectly firing three hundred workers at the closed Irish Glass Bottle factory, DDDA may have done good work in the past. Is DDDA now misdirecting national potential? Did DDDA facilitate Anglo-Irish Bank in its diddling of taxpayers for a current estimate of €19,987,654,321?
Shut the DDDA now.
FOOTNOTE, March 3, 2009
'Legal corruption' high in absence of accountability
IRELAND SUFFERS high levels of “legal corruption” because of the Green-FF Government’s failure to make political parties, large corporations and government bodies more publicly accountable.
Ireland's shortcomings include:
- Risk of patronage and corruption in appointments to State boards.
More: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2009/0303/1224242150495.html
This report by the anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International is based on comprehensive research carried out over three years into the integrity of the different pillars of the State, encompassing government, parliament, courts, law and order, the public service and the media.
Dublin Developers Autocracy, Dublin Docklands Authority, Gormley, Green Party,
Finfacts Team
Mar 25, 2009
The Irish Independent reports that the Green party was humiliated yesterday after Minister John Gormley's nominee as Chairman of the Dublin Docklands Development Authority (DDDA) was forced to step down after just weeks in the job.
Mr McCaughey was branded a "Green crony" in the Dail by Labour leader Eamon Gilmore.
A Green party spokesman subsequently claimed the Greens still had "full confidence in his ability to do the job".
Mr McC. had only taken over the role of chairman of the Dublin Docklands Development Authority four weeks ago, replacing Donal O'Connor, who is now the executive chairman of Anglo Irish Bank.
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