October 28, 2011

Irish Rail Floods Ballsbridge by Damming Dodder River

Überschwemmung durch Teknik.

 "Beavers could not have built a better dam".
 - Newly Homeless Man in Ballsbridge

In mid-2011 Irish Rail built struts for a dam under the DART bridge over the Dodder river at Lansdowne Road Station in Dublin, Ireland. 

This was a carefully planned process by Chartered Eejits.  First extensive scaffolding was built under the bridge to trap large debris such as tree trunks, beer barrels and bicycles.  Next tarpaulin was added to the upriver scaffolding to trap smaller river debris.   Then the planners had to wait patiently for a flood.  Politicians waited to harvest the empathy votes.  Their prayers were all answered on Monday, October 24, 2011.

Ballsbridge was flooded: Dodder View Cottages and the Sweepstakes apartments. Plus Insurance offices, banks, stock brokers and capital gamblers.  Awesome.  

You shuld go to the Flickr link below to see truly "awesome" images of the flood in Ballsbridge at Dodder View Cottages - the river is 5m to 7m above its normal height.  This happened in about 40 minutes.  Irish Rails dam is about 300 metres downstream.


Stage 2 of the plan was implemented at 08:00 on Tuesday morning.  The tarpaulin was immediately removed from view.  Debris and finger-pointing evidence was removed from Dodder pathways.  Then the dam itself was cleared.  By Wednesday just the dam framework, the scaffolding, remained.

Churnalism was published on Thursday by the captive Irish Times & Independent who untruthfully blamed a few tree trunks.  The spin totally omitted the scaffolding and the tarpaulin.  A most curious omission by Ireland's 'papers of record'.

On Friday further work was carried out with all viewing points blocked off from public view by the absurd use of Irish Police "Crime Scene" tape.  Do the Gardai know of this misuse of crime tape on the Dodder path?   Why was the Dodder walk blocked off not for 50m or even 100m but for for a distance of 300M from the bridge?  There was no heavy equipment on the Dodder path on Friday, apart from a large brand new Audi, an Überschwemmung durch Teknik management class Audi.

When the heavy equipment was present on Tuesday & Wednesday the path was not blocked - the scene could be safely observed.  What is being hidden by the absurd usage of "crime-scene" tape?    

A large Zurich Insurance office block was flooded and had to be abandoned.    Maybe they will investigate the beavers in Irish Rail.  Or even the crony-cartel directing the beavers.  

Irish Rail and Dublin City Council will ignore the hundreds of people flooded out of their homes.  After all they had been fully informed several times in advance by the public.   Looters, carpet-salesmen and politicians are already harvesting the area.  Politicians with knowledge of the dam who did nothing - in advance.   But they can now be expected to cynically harvest votes by offering sympathy to the newly homeless.   


Downriver for the first time in history the Dodder wall at Marian College also collapsed along a 30 metre stretch - exactly where a new flood-wall is being built on sand, without pile-driving.  Fire Brigade time was diverted from helping the trapped elderly: the 'corpo' had no keys for the new flood gates and washed their hands by pointing their fingers at Irishtown Garda Station.  This time the corpo did not blame the ESB.

1 comment:

Hugh said...

You're an absolute legend for posting this.

As a (possibly former) resident of Dodder View Cottages - I've had to seek refuge elsewhere for the time being - I really am angry at the responses of Dublin City Council, and the other morons who contributed to this mess.

Yes, Irish Rail built a nice dam downriver from my gaff, but the drains haven't been cleaned for some time around the area, and it says a lot when manhole covers lift up, and sewage spews everywhere - including into my gaff.

Basic sandbags would have helped, not just to put in front of doors, but sandbags have a habit of keeping manhole covers closed too.

Hardly a revelation for the City Council et al, is it?