Rotterdam, Jan 23, 2012.
Guess why the site for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator is in Dublin port. On 23 January 2012 in the port of Rotterdam work began on unloading the first shipment of mafia controlled waste from Naples Nobody knows what toxins are mixed in with the so-called "household waste". Ask the buffalo before throwing your mozzarella pizza in the toxins bin.
Efficient recycling programs have reduced the volume of waste in Holland. This gives capital-intensive incinerators a problem - the white-elephants have too much capacity.
So the Dutch incinerators now have to import waste from Naples where the market is controlled by The Camorra. The Dutch also import waste from Britain and will soon do so from Germany. Holland is already one of the most polluted countries in Europe with high premature death rates from air pollution. It's also rich and educated. And has cannibals eating each others flesh on live TV. Dublin City Council spends €25,000 a month to spin that Paddy should follow the awesome examples of Vienna, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. The honest apparatchiks in DCC do not distribute this map showing high death rates from air pollution in the EU core.
Delta NV is a large company owned by the Dutch state. It operates potentially polluting incinerators in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany under the Indaver brand headquartered in Antwerp. The Dutch company is building an incinerator in Meath, Ireland, approved by the patriotic Fianna Fail regime.
"... the Indaver group continued to grow its profit by a higher amount than expected. Capacity utilisation was very high at all the major processing plants. Volumes and revenues were boosted by a number of large one-off (clean-up) projects. Operations in Belgium and the Netherlands, in particular, reported strong results."
-Delta N.V. Half-Year Report for 2011
Delta's half-year report for 2011 is economic with the truth on the specifics of the "one-off clean-up projects".
"The new sindacos, the mayors who have been appointed by AMG, the Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory, to replace the old Fascist podestàs, are stated in the main to be members of the criminal Camorra." 1944, page 70, Naples '44.
"According to a pentito in the 2004 DDA investigation, 50 percent of the shops in Naples alone are actually run by the Camorra." 2006, page 50, Gomorrah.