February 8, 2012

890,000 tonnes of CO2 pollution from one Covanta incinerator.

Covanta’s SEMASS incinerator in Rochester, Massachusetts, produced about 890,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2010.

NOX, Dioxins, Furans and dust, especially PM 2.5 is additional. Not forgetting accidents.  And explosions.


Read more: http://www.patriotledger.com/topstories/x720909840/EPA-Fore-River-plant-is-3rd-highest-direct-source-of-greenhouse-gas-emissions-in-Mass#ixzz1lnnG5Rx8

Covanta SEMASS cited for safety violations

ROCHESTER — Two years after an explosion caused a two-day fire and led to the discovery of safety violations, the SEMASS trash-burning plant has been cited for four more violations.
.On March 31, 2007, a fire, which burned for two days, broke out at the plant following an explosion in a garbage shredder. That blaze caused $18 million in damage and required the help of firefighters from 36 surrounding towns.

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