May 5, 2008

Particles Inside Human Liver

Particles Inside Human Liver Cell

ESEM image of a cancerous tissue of liver
with a living cell containing
nanoparticles in the nucleus

The Field-emission Environmental Scanning Electron-Microscope can detect 10-nanometer Br, Cl and Sb particles.

Tony The Rat

Results by Antonietta M. Gatti indicate:

a- in the presence of metallic nanoparticles (Cobalt), macrophages become unable to mount appropriate defence to bacterial challenge and danger exists of increased susceptibility to infections;

b- the in-vivo tests indicated that metallic nanoparticles (and not the bulk samples) induced rhabdomyosarcoma in rats in 6 months;

c- the clinical samples showed the constant presence of micro and nanoparticles in the tissues with variable chemistry, sometimes directly related to the working place exposure.

Source: Nanopathology : a new vision of the interaction environment-human life

By Antonietta M. Gatti

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

British Society for Ecological Medicine.

It is sometimes misleadingly stated that PM2.5 particulates are simply a
fraction of PM10s and for this reason monitoring of PM10s is equivalent to monitoring of

However this is a fallacious argument which has been favoured by the polluting
industries. For instance a high reading of PM10 particulates could be due to a
predominance of PM9 sized particles. This would be of relatively minor health
significance, especially as regards heart disease. However a lower reading of PM10s
but one which was made up of predominately PM1 sized particles would be far more
significant and might be represent a serious danger for someone with a heart
condition. PM2.5 monitoring would demonstrate this danger but PM10 monitoring
would not.