Very Curious.
Following its lazy, or otherwise practice, The Irish Times seems to have yet again issued a DDDA press release on behalf of the Dublin Developer's Autocracy (DDDA). The Developer's Autocracy seems to directly use The Irish Times and The Labour Party's Councillor Humphries to perform its PR and spin, coordinated by it's own in-house spin department.
The DDDA Developer's Autocracy should be shut down. It no longer serves its original social purpose. Who does the DDDA Developer's Autocracy work for besides the directors of Fianna Fails developers' bank (Anglo-Irish) and its own DDDA directors and their colleagues in the tent?
Dublin Developer's Autocracy (DDDA) & Gerrymander
It is curious that Cllr Humphries distributes leaflets on behalf of DDDA for its cynically titled "public consultations". Cllr Humphries has not distributed leaflets about the close relationships between DDDA and Anglo-Irish Bank. He does not explain how these relationships can be fully trustworthy.
Cllr Humphries leaflets were distributed to part of the electoral district apparently gerrymandered to the benefit of the Developers Autocracy, and split as urged by Cllr Humphries. It is especially curious that DDDA, to date, has not itself issued household flyers about the alleged "consultations". This smells more strongly than the Poolbeg Sewage Factory. It smells of The Big Lie.
And it will be interesting to see if the rest of the gerrymandered district is notified. And it will be interesting to see if the "consultations" continue to be held in locations at a considerable distance from the large population around Dublin Bay.
Very Curious & totally consistent with The Big Lie methodology, however accidentally.

Irish Times Needs Developer's Autocracy Advertising Money
The Irish Times gains advertising revenue from the Dublin Developer's Autocracy - a minimal disclosure omitted from the Irish Times 'article' dated Feb 2, 2009.
Example of Irish Times journalism:
"The plans, once they are ratified by the Minister for the Environment, ..."
A credible journalist or a minimally pretending journalist would at least say IF they are ratified. And then add some critical insight to inform the public.
This same lazy, or otherwise journalist, also reprinted press releases taken more or less directly from the promoters of the Poolbeg Incinerator at the politically biased EPA Oral Hearings in 2008.
This same lazy, or otherwise journalist, does not mention any possible conflicts of interest at the Dublin Developer's Autocracy:
- Dublin Developer's Autocracy dictates planning permission at Poolbeg
- The public can not appeal decisions
- Dublin Developer's Autocracy bypasses Bord Pleanala
- Dublin Developer's Autocracy "invested" taxpayer money in the IGB site and lost most of that money (information is currently withheld; ask Seanie to confirm probable write-offs are €400,000,000.)
- Revolving doors between Anglo Irish Bank's auditors, Price Waterhouse Coopers auditors/accountants/directors, DDDA Developers Autocracy, Anglo-Irish, RPS Consulting, Dublin City Council, Incineration Promoters, EPA Ireland, Ex-EPA Ireland "consultants", Covanta & Dong, Indaver, Energy Answers, An Bord Pleanala, ...
- Apparently the honest Directors at the Dublin Developer's Autocracy have a longstanding history of "working closely with" the honest Directors of Anglo Irish Bank.
The Irish Times journalist and the editor should be posted to New Orleans as they are "doing a mighty fine job".

Dublin Developers Autocracy, Dublin Docklands Authority, Poolbeg, Poolbeg Incinerator, Councillor Humphreys,
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