October 25, 2010

Jump Paddy Jump. US StiFFs Ireland -Poolbeg Incinerator

US Strongarms Little Ireland on Poolbeg Incinerator. 

New Jersey hopes to Grab €950 Million of Irish Taxpayers Money.

Covanta's service worker from the US Embassy has ordered TD Gormley  to build the Poolbeg Incinerator. 

Jump Paddy Jump!

Me name is John.
Jump Paddy Jump!!
Yissir Massa.

Service worker US Ambassador Rooney notified Gormley and BIFFO of some interesting photos in Covanta's files and did not mention the DIA boys will release some more embarrassing facts on the maffia if Paddy is slow to jump.

Covanta's service worker is a Republican Party millionaire who doles out cash-money to buy "influence".   After paying his dues to Obama the Pittsburg Stealer was offshored to his retirement home, Ireland.

DCC's lawyer-for-incineration also held a fund raiser for Obama - in his Dublin house at about the same time as the Bord Pleanala Oral Hearings facade on Poolbeg.

Mr Rooney, US Ambassador and Bush colleague, doles out crumbs to Irish peasants allowing him to trade on his esteemed contributions to Irish society.  However working as Covanta's contract-enforcer reveals his true colours.

The waste-to-toxins-industrial-complex is linked to the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator via  the dots which may or may not connect honourable Bartholemew Ahern to MKC, to the Irish media and to lawbreaker Covanta.  A similar but differently connected cabal bankrupted Ireland.  Covanta is honourably firewalled from any misguided perceptions of direct connections to dodgy Manchester business men and winnings on horses and the Galway Tent.  MKC acts most honourably and covertly for Covanta in Ireland.

MKC's SOB has strong connections to RTE, to the Irish Times and to the Irish Independent (see charts BELOW based on Village Magazine).

In October 2010, Covanta or MKC or other known unknowns brought hacks from the MKC cartel on a "business trip" to Copenhagen.   Immediately on their return to bankrupt Ireland the busy hacks regurgitated Big Lies in the Irish Independent and on radio.  An ESRI service worker funded with in excess of €100,000 by incinerator promoters DCC and billed as an independent 'professor' supported the hack on the radio.  

After re-typing the press releases from Covanta/RPS/MKC/ESRI/DCC the hacks finally were given front-page space to report the Covanta service worker issuing USA orders to Gormley.





October 15, 2010

"Incineration is perfectly safe" - Covanta Big Lie

 Covanta's Mad Men

So the Danes are world-class environmentalists?  Until recently Denmark has allowed pollution from modern cigarettes.  So whats the problem with unmonitored pollution from incineration?

In Croke Park at the Bord Pleanála hearing a Danish representative of DONG told a bare faced lie: he said an incinerator "only emits steam".  Danish honesty.

Covanta took a bunch of Irish journalists on a trip to Copenhagen in October 2010.   Sure whats a release between friends, or a Covanta press release for that matter.  DDDA and Anglo-Irish Bank did the same.  And to optimise the hacks valuable time MKC provided the journos with awesome Covanta press releases on the benefits of incineration.

Bada Bing Copenhagen.  
Details of what the hacks did on the trip have not been published as those releases in the live-booths would embarrass their mammies.

You can’t skimp on milk and bread, but you can save on porn during times of crisis.

These esteemed hacks and people of science returned to Ireland to immediately regurgitate the Covanta spin. 

Newstalk is owned by a tax-exiled Irish billionaire who made his money inside Ireland in Irish mobile phones, now the subject of a €200 million and 12 year investigation.  The same billionaire has a major share, with a bank, in The Irish Independent.

Here are some absurd Big Lies from the Irish Independent hack on Newstalk radio on October  14, 2010.

  • Big Lies For Covanta:  "Incinerators are perfectly safe"
  • Big Lies For Covanta:  "All the waste is converted into heat or energy. "  

"Incinerators are perfectly safe" is a simplistic rendering of the refined Big Lie issued in The Irish Times by PJ Rudden, VP at Engineers Ireland, covert and hijacked incineration promoters.  PJ is the Wasters Director at RPS - paid €25 million by DCC to promote incineration.

Its likely this Big Lie is fed by Covanta's Mad Men at MKC who have strong connections to Berty, to RTE, to The Irish Independent and to The Irish Times and to much of the tribe-first cabal selling Ireland to Russian Oligarchs and bringing back-of-the-bus healthcare to Ireland from the rich world's worst health care system, the USA.  

The Irish Indo hack was joined on Newstalk by a "professor" from the ESRI, an alleged expert who did not take the available opportunity to correct the sober journalists errors.  A real professor would correct the hacks nonsense.  No doubt both have been provided with talking points from Covanta's propaganda team in Ireland, MKC.  Spin also rabbited recently by the workers TD Quinn on Newstalk. What did the workers TD Quinn do about the fired 400 workers at IGB when his brother "speculated" by buying the toxic site?  TD Quins parks a workers Skoda out front to hide the sun tan.

The Dutch alleged expert and toll on taxpayers revealed his true Dutch roots by claiming incineration was "cheap", a Dutch obsession.  His blog features the subtle distribution of Big Lies amongst the chancers psuedo-science of economics.

Covanta "hires" similar public employees in the USA after they have been of some service.  Could a professor retire to a cushy number at Covanta? 

ESRI is funded by the unelected incineration team at DCC,  pension lifers, all closely connected to the Drumcondra Mafia.  Also not mentioned on Newstalk (no podcast).

Patriots of De Poolbeg Incinerator Cabal

Censored Poolbeg Incinerator Contract

On September 4, 2007, Dublin City Council's City manager and Village Idiot did a deal in a cupboard with Covanta before Bord Pleanala or EPA formally rubber stamped the The Drumcondra Mafia's instructions.  This was far sighted for the tribe-first-regime whose Finance Minister did not have a bank account for his winnings on the races in Manchester.

More than three years later a censored version of the contract for the proposed incinerator has been published supposedly for use by Dublin Councillors.  The meaningful financial data has been censored to facilitate the transfer of €950 million from bankrupt Ireland to New Jersey.

The contract is here  

Or here at this URL:


October 14, 2010

Poolbeg Incinerator & Berties Cronies

MKC seems to link Bertie and his Beamish Men to the Poolbeg Incinerator:
  • Bertie, 
  • RTE, 
  • Irish Times, 
  • Irish Independent, 
  • Irish Press (defunct; FF rag; cheated Irish-American investors), 
  • Covanta, 
  • Bank of Ireland, 
  • Dublin City Council (via MKC Client Covanta), 
  • Engineers Ireland, 
  • RPS (via MKC Client Engineers Ireland, and DCC. Add Bord Pleanala), 
  • Fine Gael, 
  • PDs (Harney)
  • US Ambassador via MKC Client US Chamber of Commerce.

The following images based on Village magazine may need to printed or viewed on a large screen.  Read Village Magazine for a backgrounder.


Sources: Village Magazine, October 2010.  Politics.ie


The Poolbeg Incinerator cabal seems to be of the same culture of inbred cronyism which bankrupted Ireland through Anglo-Irish Bank and the DDDA.    Abramovich from the Aluminum Wars of 100 murders wants his money back.  The Drumcondra Mafia is trembling.  Is that why fearless FF is pulling the Anglo-Irish-Bank con on the Irish people to the tune of €90,000 per family?

October 11, 2010

Fine Gael Traitorship on Poolbeg Incinerator

TD Creighton along with fellow Punch & Judy colleagues Gormley, Andrews and Quinn have published many expensive flyers in Sandymount & Ringsend at taxpayer expense.  

So why has TD Creighton not informed the people of Sandymount & Ringsend about MKC or even about the following?

It seems the director of communications at FG is directly connected to Berty's storm troopers at MKC, implementers of A Chara Goebbels Big Lies on incineration in Dublin Bay, including muffling of the media and censorship of informed letters to The Irish Times from Sandymount.

Is FG just another in a long line of inbred traitors in Ireland?

Or does the honourable TD Creighton prefer to sit at the back of Sandymount & Merrion Resident Association meetings mouthing jibes about Gormley?  Where twitching Chris Andrews and Gormley are afraid to show up at SAMRA, pension-time-servers afraid of all the old and highly informed grannies in Sandymount.

This level of contribution from TD Creighton after years of training as an Irish lawyer,  (not nec perjorative; not nec oxymoronic), comes from a Sheedy-Lawyer profession which continues to contribute much less pleasure to Irish society than the oldest billable-minutes hoor (hoor, the Dutch word).

FG Communications director Ciaran Conlon is ex-MKC.
MKC are well paid promoters of the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.

MKC's clients & connections & patriots linked with FF include the following, most of whom appear to cynically or covertly promote the Poolbeg Incinerator with direction from de Drumcondra mafia:

  • Covanta 
    • (US Virgin Islands, Luxembourg, New Jersey, - a garden state stinking of polluting refineries
  • RTE
    • Member RTE Authority, SOB
  • Irish Times
  • Irish Independent
    • prior employer of MKCs SOB)
  • Engineers Ireland
    • covertly promotes the Poolbeg Incinerator:
    • Ask honourable Chris Horn,
    • Ask Herr Truthiness PJ Rudden of RPS
  • US Chamber of Commerce
    • /Us Ambassador?
  • National Development Plan
  • Dublin Transportation Office
  • PDs
  • Bertie Ahern advisor, Howlin 
    • googled recently from T-shocks office
  • FG Phil Hogan
    • fed by MKC.
No publicly declared direct connections to RPS (€25 million to promote Poolbeg Incinerator) nor to ESRI (also paid by DCC to promote incineration).

Adrian Kelleher Says:
October 11th, 2010 at 6:15 pm @Charlie
FG are enthusiastic proponents of the incinerator if Phil Hogan is any guide.
FG Communications director Ciaran Conlon is ex-MRPA (aka MKC),
btw, a lineal antecedent of the ever-shifting MKC Communications.

October 6, 2010

MKC's Cute Wee Hoors Damage Ireland? [Poolbeg Incinerator]

Does the Big Lie by MKC's Patriotic Inbred Cabal of Clients Damage Irish Jobs?

Does MKC and its cabal of "clients" and cute wee hoors seriously damage Brand Ireland?  

Does damaging Brand-Ireland damage Irish jobs?  Ask the penal colony.

MKC's clients have been telling Big Lies about "600 jobs".   The truth is the money.  The €750 million to be sent to New Jersey.  Jump Paddy Jump.  Jump Mick Jump.  Where's me Micky says Bertie in the cupboard.  Jaysus its smaller than the son of a farm labourer from Cork.  Mines a beamish.  I don't know schiesskerl BIFFO.

The waste industry in New Jersey has legacy mafia connections similar to Abramovich-Putin's alleged links to the Russian aluminum mafia wars and the Anglo-Irish Bank gaurantee.  Ask dodgy Toni Soprano or ask honest businessman Toni Orlando.  

Toni is an earner. Spaghetti doesn't grow on trees.  Three million per year bonus. 

Perhaps Abramovich-Putin issued "messages" to drunk BIFFO in September 2008.  After all it was after closing time.  Gormley was on the organic beer.  Disgracing the honest County of Kilkenny, TD Hogan of bent Fg was chasing his own shoelaces up his own arsch.  Hogan, no longer welcome at The Shamrocks.

In September 2010 Mr Abramovich, protected from extradition by ownership of Chelsea FC issued a "message" to Irelands already-caved-in Finance Minister.  Pay my subordinated bonds oder Katyn Forest.  The New Jersey mafia can smell patriots caving in.

MKC's latest patriotic workings could result in €750 Million or so being lifted  from Ireland and exported to Mr Zell (Covanta's US Billionaire /Landlord) and to the good bosses of Covanta.  

MKC is apparently a TD-Harney-connected lobbyist for  private US apartheid health care in Ireland.  Whats another €750 million to a bunch of gombeens responsible for liabilities of say €89,000,000,000 and ticking.


Cute Wee Clients & Hoors

Berty in his cupboard damaging Ireland’s brand on a worldwide scale from Silicon Valley to Shanghai with the indirect and unprovable help of patriotic MKC.  Mix-in patriotic Engineers Ireland, patriotic RPS, patriotic Bank of Ireland, Berty's patriotic buddy Gerry Howlin of MKC, The Irish Times political editor Stephen Collins and MKC client American Chamber of Commerce.  Helped by a post-retirement millionaire from Pittsburg, the esteemed US Ambassador.

Ireland has been screwed by the cosy cabal at Anglo-Irish-Bank, DDDA, Central Bank, Financial Regulator and Berty's Patriots.   That's not a once-off.  The corrupt and inbred culture continues in many forms.  Incest is bad for business.  The Rottweiler in Italien knows that (Ausgabe Wie immer ohne Gewähr).

MKC's Gerry Howlin

Gerry Howlin of MKC is a former advisor to Bertie Ahern.  Bertie from his cupboard has damaged Ireland's brand on a worldwide basis.  Colleague T-Shock BIFFO went on radio when drunk. The Drumcondra Mafia's boss apparently got buckets of cash from a Manchester Businessman.  This mafia is linked to the Sheedy Affair in Matt Coopers book (Supreme Court judge and others knobbled, including the registrar later appointed to lead Dublins legal profession.  Hint: rymes with Nixon).  

MKC Client Engineers Ireland & Covanta

MKC’s clients include multiple-lawbreaker Covanta and hijacked Engineers Ireland. 

A VP of Engineers Ireland is PJ Rudden.
The Director at RPS acting against voter wishes for Dublin Council unelected pensio-time-servers is PJ Rudden.
In January 2010 Engineers Ireland issued an apparently worthy document from a team of ‘experts’ on the topic of Irish Infrastructure.  EI President Chris Horn of respected Iona (now sold) claims EI is just an amateur organisation.  Ah shucks.

EI omitted to mention PJ Rudden’s role promoting incineration.
EI omitted to mention the consulting contracts given by incineration promotors (DCC; Energy Answers Intl/Covanta related) to a former state-employee. The employee was a former director at EPA-Ireland. EI did list that old EPA employment to add cr4edibility to EI’s pro-incineration posture while omitting the most recent contracts for the ex EPA employee from the incineration industry.

DCC funded ESRI to pitch for incineration.  So far RPS has received about €25 million.  

RPS's Rudden used the Irish Times to place apparent disinformation into the public domain, denying any health impact from "modern" incinerators.  That's a bare faced untruth even before considering Covanta/Ogdens twenty year record of thousands of dioxins and other air pollution fines for breaking American laws.  Good man PJ, patriot.   

Judge McKechnie of the High Court said DCC's Matt Twomey massaged RPS reports and did other dodgy things.  The good Matt has now retired on a lucrative pension to be funded by closing hospital services.

CBRE's "research director" gave what honest observers deem to be spin or even  lies or untruths to Bord Pleanala.  No data was published, a very large curiosity for an alleged "research director".  At least one of CBRE's charts presented to the public hearing and to the honest Bord Pleanala Inspector was cynically misleading.   CBRE also conveniently valued the polluted Irish Glass Bottle site at €415 million.  The esteemed and patriotic CBRE genius has been rewarded by the inbred cabal bankrupting Ireland for this professional kowtowing by being appointed to NAMA. 

Guess why Ireland is bankrupt.
