Green light for Dublin high rise buildings
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
The Brickie Pyramid Scheme is collapsing. Possibly in order to save their Corporate Masters in The Galway Tent, Dublin City Councillors have recommended acceptance of high-rise buildings in excess of 16 storeys at "The Docklands".
The "Docklands" is DDDA's newest Big Lie for Sandymount Strand. Using this Big Lie the DDDA empire has extended its land grab into Sandymount. This Big Lie is complemented by The Gormleymander. This curiously sequenced set of maneuvers is vehemently contested by Fianna Fail's Green Party - thus proving the case. Obviously only honest people are contracted by or appointed to the DDDA, a subsidiary of Mr Gormley's Environment Department. Its unfortunate these fine people have been on the wrong side of a legal judgment apparently concerning conflicts of interest or bias in granting planning permission for lucrative buildings, and unfortunately exposing the taxpayer to potential damages of perhaps €100 million. Such are the risks in the dynamic world of developer-lead planning. No doubt The Galway Tent ensured the DDDA was not shut down by the recent budget.
Equally obviously, only honest people drew up the boundaries to divide Sandymount in two. And these honest people were also chosen by Mr Gormley. Fianna Fail's Green Party again denies any shenanigans. Mr Gormley states he, a politician, chose the "independent electoral areas committee" and writes about the "non-political nature of the process". If only Intel could implement this breakthrough oxymoronic logic.
It is curious that Mr Gormley sent a letter to all houses only after the village of Sandymount was divided - complete with brass-necked guff about "A new vision for Sandymount Village" and giving VDs to the village. Mr Gormley omits to mention this exercise has already wasted time and money over a full 13 months - the goal can only be to divert local peoples' attention. Significantly Mr Gormley omits to mention the VDs Red Herring is run by the DCC official who has worked diligently with Mr Twoomey to spend €19,000,000 to promote the one-sided case for a Dublin Bay Incinerator.
The omission of a standard denial on Revolving Doors from the two-page letter-of-denials is curious. How many more months in government are needed before Mr Gormley can lock down has pension based on his world-class salary of circa €300,000?
So what exactly was the deal done by Fianna Fail's Green Party with a Labour councillor and with a Sinn Fein councillor? Some social housing scam in "Poolbeg" to move cash from taxpayers pockets into the accounts of the usual Galway Tent crew?
Sinn Féin councillor Daithí Doolan, chairman of the planning committee, claimed:
you know there will be
very tight controls on what can be built,
and you also know there will have to be a benefit to your community."

For a Fair & Balanced Report see:
Wanna sleep with da fishes? What about a knee-cap guarantee with that? Or a dud aggro-Irish bank supported by taxpayer funds taken from Medical Cards? What about a corporation with a record of six thousand environmental violations in just 2 years. Nice company: Sinn Fein and Anglo-Irish-Bank. And DDDA+DCC and Covanta from New Jersey (NJ).
They Pump Put Dioxins Over Their Own Heads
Hold your breadth on the way to Princeton from Newark airport. The air stinks of hydrocarbons & who knows what else.
Covanta is run by Tony Orlando under direction of Property Billionaire Sam Zell and has it's HQ in NJ, The Garbage State famous for it's cement and waste earners. In 2006 Covanta was reportedly fined for violations at ALL three of its waste-to-toxics plants in the state. Some time before that the Ogden organisation which morfed into Covanta was fined for six thousand violations within a two year period. In 2007, immediatey following the fines for threatening peoples' health with dioxins, Tony was awarded at least $2,872,175 in official compensation. When they pump out dioxins over their own heads why would they not do the same overseas in Dublin? Not to mention Tony Soprano's crew dumping asbestos into a local river in the middle of the night. Poolbeg chimneys do not do this at night, do they?
NJ is where Covanta has pumped out dioxins at all of its waste-to-toxics chemical plants, allegedly. [The Rutgers Environmental Law Center at Rutgers University in New Jersey has filed a notice of its intent to sue Covanta over repeated Clean Air Act violations.]
Tony Orlando is CEO of Covanta. Tony Soprano is a fictional character. Coincidentially both are in the waste business in New Jersey.
Dublin Docklands Deadheads Authority (DDDA) and Dublin City Council are aparently driven by greed and revolving doors - both will destroy the natural environment of Dublin Bay. Dick Roach, when posing on behalf of the Galway Tent as Environment Minister, passively confirmed the proposed waste-to-toxics incinerator would cause up to 300 premature deaths per year.
Scientists have systematically shown that the health gap between rich and poor can be halved with the help of green spaces.
November 7, 2008
Life near a city park can be as healthy as out in the country
Green space can cut health problems linked to poverty
Proof at last: living near parks and woodland boosts health, regardless of social class. Access to green spaces, whether they be rolling chalk downs or simple playing fields, has an independently beneficial impact on health and health-related behaviour which counteracts the effects of poverty and inner-city deprivation, the research by scientists found.
The links between serious illnesses and poverty are well established, but this is the first time scientists have systematically shown that the health gap between rich and poor can be halved with the help of green spaces.
When all deaths were analysed, the gulf in health between the rich and the poor in the greenest areas of Britain was roughly half of that observed in the least green parts of the country, according to the findings published in the medical journal The Lancet.
The difference between those living in the greenest and least green areas was largest when looking at deaths from circulatory diseases.
However, the scientists found that living near green space had little effect for death from lung cancer, which is only weakly linked with exercise; or for death by self-harming.
The authors of the study, Richard Mitchell, of Glasgow University, and Frank Popham, of the University of St Andrews, believe that the findings are strong enough for planning authorities to consider making green spaces available on grounds of health and wellbeing.
The two scientists assessed the entire population of England under the retirement age – a total of 41 million people – and obtained the cause of death for 366,348 people who died between 2001 and 2005 to analyse the links between fatal illnesses and access to green spaces.
"Populations that are exposed to the greenest environments have the lowest levels of health inequality related to income deprivation," they said.
"Evidence suggests that contact with such environments has independent salutogenic effects, for example, green spaces independently promote physical activity.
"However, the effect of green space is not solely based on promotion or enhancement of physical activity. Several studies have shown that contact (either by presence or visual) with green spaces can by psychologically and physiologically restorative, reducing blood pressure and stress levels and possibly promoting faster healing in patients after surgical intervention."
They conclude: "The implications of this study are clear: environments that promote good health might be crucial in the fight to reduce health inequalities."
In an accompanying commentary article in The Lancet, Terry Hartig of the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Sweden's Uppsala University, writes: "This study offers valuable evidence that green space does more than pretty up the neighbourhood; it appears to have real effects on health inequality, of a kind that politicians and health authorities should take seriously."
Dr Mitchell, who is based at the university's department of public health and health policy, said: "We would encourage the Government to consider carefully what their policy on green spaces is and to bear this research in mind when planning urban areas for the future."
© 2008 Independent News and Media.
Anglo-Bank's 'leaders' should resign along with their friends at DDDA+DCC. They are hiding the facts about the IGB site to save their own necks.
*The problem is simple: if the bank admitted that the problems were as bad as they were, the management and board would have to resign because they would need new capital.
In all property crashes, development land falls further in value than house prices.
*So it’s simple: all this prevarication is about self-preservation. The banks are hoping to spoof now and recover their tier one capital ratios by reducing lending.
* Ireland’s financial Know Nothings - the lads who blithely brought us to the abyss - are trying to save their own skins and, in the process, are risking the future of the economy.
Sunday, November 09, 2008 By David McWilliams
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Docklands body warned of legal threat to master plan
DUBLIN DOCKLANDS Development Authority (DDDA) has been warned that its latest draft master plan, which carries a €4.5 billion price tag, is so flawed that it would be open to challenge in the High Court.
Property developer Treasury Holdings, controlled by Richard Barrett and Johnny Ronan, said it reserved "the right to instigate legal proceedings should the significant issues highlighted not be addressed in a satisfactory manner".
In a submission to the DDDA, Treasury said it had been excluded from any meaningful consultation on the master plan, despite being "the largest stakeholder in the Docklands area", claiming that this was "a gross breach of statutory duty".
The company complained that no details were provided or references made in the draft to the DDDA's radical proposal to create a "Liffey Island" projecting into the river between Spencer Dock and the East Link bridge, with a new canal on three sides.
"The canal would result in a major intervention into the North Lotts and the lack of any reference to it or assessment of its impact in the strategic environmental assessment is a significant omission," according to the company's submission.
"Any proposed intrusion into the River Liffey would be contrary to the policies of the draft master plan, most notably conservation policies relating to the quays [and] contrary to the DDDA's stated position until now of preserving the campshires."
This is a reference to the strips of land between the roads and waterfronts in Docklands that used to be occupied by sheds but have since been laid out as amenity areas, with pedestrian and cycle paths, trees and benches to sit on.
The proposed "Liffey Island" would involve building a high-rise cluster on stilts in the river, obliterating a long stretch of the North Wall Quay and campshire and compensating for these losses by creating a U-shaped canal to surround the new buildings.
The submission also criticised the draft plan's "preferable treatment" for redeveloping the Poolbeg peninsula, "despite its relatively low accessibility compared to areas such as Spencer Dock", where Treasury is involved in building the National Conference Centre.
"This is not acceptable from an economic and planning policy perspective, given the significant national investment in the North Lotts area," it said, referring to the conference centre, the Luas Docklands extension and the planned rail interconnector with Heuston.
Treasury said it was also "concerned that the preferential treatment afforded to the Poolbeg area is not based on sound planning grounds but rather is in order to ensure that the DDDA extract maximum value from their landholdings" in that part of the Docklands area.
This is a reference to the former Irish Glass Bottle Company site, which was acquired in October 2006 for €412 million by a consortium headed by property developer Bernard McNamara, with the DDDA holding a minority stake. The price equated to €17 million per acre.
The Irish Times
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