November 20, 2008

Sweden's Incinerators Forced to Import 600,000 Tonnes Waste

November 20, 2008
Sweden is an educated and advanced society without the corruption and class divisions exploited by Ireland's political class. Swedes trust "Lisbon". Guess why "Paddy" doesn't.

So its possible Sweden could run an incinerator in an honest manner. An incinerator run by Swedes is possibly not a scary thing, with just a few premature deaths a year. This
acceptable level is not unlike the people riding bicycles in Dublin, otherwise known as the kidney-donors (Sweden has real bicycle paths). In starkest contrast, an incinerator run by Dublin City Council is a very scary thing indeed. DCC's level of honesty means they can not even run their 'Ringsend' schijt factory. However it seems even Sweden has slipped into the gombeen land of Abba's money.

Cynically, for its
proposed Waste-To-Toxins incinerator at Poolbeg, the DCC team exploits Irish class divisions along with insular jackeen-culchie perspectives. In other words, the "republican party" Fianna-Fail seems to be continuing British tactics to exploit Ireland. The fat boys from New Jersey are laughing all the way to their Caribbean banks. And they are fat - their Vice President had to use the elevators to go up one floor at The Gresham.

"Never Misunderestimate The Stupidity of the People We Serve."

This is a common phrase in California.

Dublin City Council is building on its world-class legacy where it turned the beach at Sandymount-Irishtown-Ringsend into Dublin's rubbish dump.
Can Dublin City Council and Covanta now turn Ireland into Europe's garbage dump? This would displace socialist and green Sweden from the honour of being Europe's garbage dump.

Sverige - Europas soptipp

Say it in Swedish

Celtic Tiger Johnny Logan liberated Europe from the greed of Abba's Money, Money, Money.

Sweden Reduced To Importing Garbage

Scavenging at Högdalen CHP. Photo Bjorn Larsson Ash / Scanpix

High profit in the Swedish Waste-To-Toxins incineration business has led to overcapacity, which now must be filled with the import of waste from other countries. According to the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation Sweden is in danger of becoming Europe's garbage dump.

" Swedish incineration plants are among the best in Europe,

so we can become a YOUNG CUCKOO in other countries in that

we attract the waste and create a market for incineration, "

said Svante Axelsson, Secretary General of Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

Is there a risk that Sweden is Europe's garbage dump?

Yes, there is.

20 november 2008

Sverige tvingas importera sopor

Sedan år 2000 har antalet förbränningsanläggningar för avfall mer än fördubblats i Sverige. Och den lönsamhet som finns i förbränningsbranschen har lett till överkapacitet som nu måste fyllas ut med import av avfall från andra länder. Enligt Naturskyddsföreningen riskerar Sverige att bli Europas soptipp, men branschorganisationen håller inte med.

– De svenska förbränningsanläggningarna är bland de bättre i Europa, så vi kan bli en gökunge i andra länder genom att vi attraherar avfall och skapar en marknad för förbränning, säger Svante Axelsson, generalsekreterare på Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen.

Finns det en risk för att Sverige blir Europas soptipp?

– Ja, det finns det.


Zana Schiroyi

Anna Nyström, SR Örebro


Victoria Gaunitz

Magdalena Martinsson, SR Norrbotten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swedish reporters provide email addresses, in stark contrast to most of the Irish media.