Covanta of New Jersey, contracted by Dublin City Council for the proposed Waste-To-Toxins incinerator at Poolbeg, has exceeded allowable emission rate for dioxins and furans at it's incinerator in Pittsfield by nearly 350%.

Head back to your rashers if you trust BIFFO and Ireland's utterly compromised EPA to protect you from Dioxins. By the way, it's Ireland's Environment Minister's Green Party who said EPA-Ireland is utterly compromised.
The dedicated and honest taxpayer-funded employees at Dublin City Council have a secret contract with Covanta for the proposed Waste-To-Toxins incinerator at Poolbeg. Covanta also apparently seeks to prevent its workers from educating the public about its waste-to-toxins incinerators. DCC's democratically-challenged apparatchiks are more flexible than communist American workers. Why? Revolving doors? Citizenship?
In September 2008, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection cited Covanta Energy for illegal emissions of toxic air pollutants at two different waste incinerators the company operates in the state.On September 26, 2008, the DEP issued an administrative consent order finding
- Covanta had exceeded the allowable emission rate for dioxins and furans at its incinerator in Pittsfield by nearly 350%,
The order also cited the Pittsfield facility for failing to report to the DEP other violations of its air quality permit occurring in January, February, and March 2008.
The DEP order fined Covanta $7,653.
- On the same day, the DEP issued a notice of noncompliance for toxic air emissions at Covanta’s Springfield facility in Agawam. (Where was Homer?).
- The DEP also found that Covanta had illegally failed to report these excess emissions to the state.
developing nervous system, the endocrine system, and reproductive functions. Chronic exposure to sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides can cause respiratory disease and premature death, and can aggravate existing heart disease.
For more information concerning these events, please consider using Skype to contact Covanta at
+1-973/882-7277 (phone) or
+1-973/882-7276 (fax).
Poolbeg incinerator, covanta, dioxin
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