There Is No Safe Level for Dioxins.
- For certain effects, including subtle behavioral impacts, a “no effect level” has yet to be established. In plain English this epa-speak translates into: There Is No Safe Level for Dioxins.
- Levels where effects are detectable in humans is considerably smaller than previously estimated before 2004. In plain English this epa-speak translates into: The EPA is saying that current legal standards for 'safe dioxins' are a farce, and the measurements are far too expensive so they are not done except for political spin.
- Several factors suggest a need to further evaluate the impact of these chemicals on humans at or near current background levels. In plain English this epa-speak translates into: George Bush's EPA Directors have told the EPA Scientists to shut up or be fired.
Dioxin Effects in Human Populations
Any increase in dioxins will make people sick.
EPA estimates that the amount of dioxin found in the tissues of the general human population closely approaches the levels at which adverse effects might be expected to occur.
- This range for cancer risk indicates an about 10-fold higher chance than estimated in EPA’s earlier (1994) draft of this reassessment.
Children and Other Groups of Concern
Fetuses, infants, and children may be more sensitive to dioxin exposure because of their rapid growth and development. It is not known if the children in the general population are experiencing adverse effects from dioxin.
United States Environmental Protection Agency Information Sheet 2: Dioxin Reassessment, Scientific Highlights (2004):
Information Sheet 2: Dioxin Reassessment, Scientific Highlights, Page 4.
United States Environmental Protection Agency Information Sheet 1: Summary of the Dioxin Reassessment, (2004):
Linda C. Tuxen, NCEA, ORD (8601D),
E-Mail:tuxen.linda@epa.gov Tel: 202-564-3332; FAX: 202-565-0090
Be aware that the Bush Administration has fired EPA personnel for being honest - so expect obfuscation in EPA reports. The incineration industry in the
There is a possibility that EPA-Ireland is totally honest and is not utterly compromised as stated by the Green Party of Ireland's Environment Minister. It is also possible the revolving doors at director level between EPA-Ireland, Indaver, Covanta/Energy Answers and “Independent Consultants” have no effect whatsoever. However for the flying pigs transporting dioxins a “no effect level” has yet to be established.
CAUTION: The text is edited for clarity. Interpretations are in blue text. Edited EPA text is in black. See this URL for the original EPA reports. http://oaspub.epa.gov/eims/eimscomm.getfile?p_download_id=435880
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