January 11, 2010

DCC'S Matt Twomey & RPS Are Liars Believes Judge?

Judge McKechnie: Twomey 'massaged' RPS Reports in 2007 and 2008.
Judge McKechnie singled out Matt Twomey, the Dublin assistant city manager, who is in charge of waste policy [and the autocratic promotion of the Poolbeg Incinerator], for criticism, saying he was fully aware of the ‘‘massaging’’ of the reports.  [Sunday Business Post]

"Massaging of reports by Matt Twomey, which were later, in their edited versions, released publicly, is a strong indicator tome of unacceptable influence in a process supposedly carried out in the public interest,"  McKechnie said in his judgment.  [Sunday Business Post]

 Poolbeg Incinerator Hearing, Croke Park, April 2007.

Totally Inspirational Paid-For RPS-Planning-Agent Reading 
Another Twomey "Massaged" Expert Report?

Image:  Look at the people in the image.  Why are they so happy?  Is it their guilty Catholic consciences?

The above image was shot during the peak of the Irish property-pyramid-scheme controlled by The Galway Tent Cartel.  On the right side of the image is now-on-public-service-pension Matt Twomey, perhaps massaging his tongue.  The white box contains rabbits and hats.  Mr. Twomey's Legal Guardian Angels are to his right, Doers of Charity Work and Money Raisers for US Politicians.  DCC's partner Covanta is a USA Corporation headquartered near Toni Soprano; its public face in 2007 was DONG.

What confidence can any alert citizen have left in the apparently rigged Poolbeg Incinerator procedures?

The Sunday Business Post article below and here is about DCC's attempted  process for diverting waste from recycling and elsewhere in order to feed the grotesquely undemocratic Poolbeg incinerator.  The same Twomey & RPS team presented 'expert reports' to Bord Pleanála and EPA-Ireland to support building the Poolbeg Incinerator in the exact same time-span.  Apparently, according to Judge McKechnie these people did not serve the public interest in the matter of feeding the incinerator.  So was the process for permitting the Poolbeg Incinerator also cooked?

CAUTION: The Post's article is not about the Poolbeg Incinerator building permits from ABP or EPA; it is however about a court case on DCC's attempt to take autocratic control of the waste supply chain for incinerator and to dictate taking significant money from one million residents pockets.   

It's believed Mr Twomey worked closely with RPS to present and to 'massage' the "expert reports" for the Incinerator Oral Hearings conducted by Bord Pleanála in 2007 and to EPA in 2008. 

Curious reports paid for and presented on behalf of by Dublin Council included CBRE's property report full of guff and omitted data and misleading charts apparently fully consistent with The Big Lie Technique, and Mr P.'s air quality report where faulty kindergarten maths supported DCC's 'expert case'.  As a Judge has directly said Mr Twomey massaged reports, is it reasonable to hold the view that many Poolbeg Incinerator "Expert Reports" may contain lies or at least massaged spin and serious omissions?

Will the Galway Tent cartel now promote Mr Twomey to full Bishop?

RPS has an "ex" RPS employee on Bord Pleanala's executive bord, perhaps not unlike the Lar and Seanie show at DDDA and Anglo.  The incineration industry has Director level people in EPA (EPA condemned by Greens once upon a time before they got in line for lucrative state pensions).

Of course a Judge will not use a crudité such as liar even if that is appropriate.  Judge McKechnie uses these phrases about DCC's Twomey's control of RPS's expert reports:
  • unacceptable influence 
  • ‘massaging’’ of the reports
  • delete or re-word reports
  • edited versions, released publicly
  • influenced the content
  • "... Mr Twomey’’ went ‘‘far beyond’’ simply having a preferred outcome 

Footnote on Image and RPS:  At the microphone is a paid-for RPS "expert planner".  RPS is also paid to support mega-billions-Shell against the honest and jailed local farmers in Mayo.  Possibly under an alias RPS had a hand in the design of the incompetently managed sewage factory in Poolbeg which last week was again pumping out acrid chemicals across Irishtown Nature Reserve. 

What is RPS doing to the reputation of the Engineering Profession in Ireland by standing over cynically 'massaged' reports?  How can RPS-Ireland stake the international reputation of RPS on 'massaged' reports written not necessarily in the public interest?  Does it matter the reports are officially the work of Dublin Council?  RPS's logo is all over the reports.  Will the ethics of Ireland's Engineers now be grouped alongside Bishops, Priests, Bankers, Planners and other cute wee hoors?

Councils criticised by court over waste report

10 January 2010  By John Burke, Public Affairs Correspondent

The High Court has severely criticised the four Dublin councils for ‘‘massaging’’ key reports into Dublin’s waste sector to influence the outcome of a review.

The court said that RPS, one of the country’s leading engineering firms, changed a number of draft reports to suit the stance of the councils. The report formed the basis for the councils’ subsequent justification to vary the capital’s waste policy.

However, this variation was quashed by Mr Justice Liam McKechnie in a recent ruling.

In his full judgment, which has been obtained by The Sunday Business Post, McKechnie said the reports contained comments written by the councils, indicating which parts of earlier drafts were acceptable to them. The councils then instructed RPS to either delete or re-word those parts ‘‘that would not have supported their position’’.

McKechnie singled out Matt Twomey, the Dublin assistant city manager, who is in charge of waste policy, for criticism, saying he was fully aware of the ‘‘massaging’’ of the reports. ‘‘Whether or not the city managers were aware of this fact is, in my opinion, immaterial:

Mr Twomey certainly was.

Such massaging of reports, which were later, in their edited versions, released publicly, is a strong indicator tome of unacceptable influence in a process supposedly carried out in the public interest," McKechnie said in his judgment.

The deletions and rewordings were carried out before the two technical reports were published in September 2007 and February 2008.

The council formally varied the waste management plan for the Dublin region in March 2008, saying that only the councils or their contractors could collect waste. The move prompted legal action from several private waste firms.

The revelation that council officials influenced the content of the reports is contained in the unapproved High Court judgment delivered by McKechnie in the case taken by private operator Panda.

RPS declined to comment when contacted by The Sunday Business Post, but said that Dublin City Council would be making a statement which also represented its views.

A spokesman for the council said: ‘‘the independent experts came to their own conclusions and stand over their reports’’.

However, McKechnie’s judgment said that the councils ‘‘and particularly MrTwomey’’ went ‘‘far beyond’’ simply having a preferred outcome to the process in mind. ‘‘From the start there could have been no other outcome," he said.

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