July 25, 2010

Lets Kill Genetically Pure Salmon.

Poolbeg Foreshore Licence Issue

The Liffey has the last genetically pure strain of North Atlantic Salmon (confirm with NASCO)So why not licence a lawbreaking company to control or to not control the flow of hot water and nasty chemicals at the mouth of the river, killing salmon trying to get to the sea? 

Whats Good For Covanta is Good For New Jersey.

The Liffey is the last river in Europe to carry the last genetically pure strain of North Atlantic Salmon.   Science does not know what operation of the biggest waste burning plant in Europe would do to the Salmon.  So lets chance it.  BP can do the scenario planning; DCC can twist the results.  Lawbreaker Covanta can be trusted this time.  We again promise your money on that.

Stuff Not Read in Fagins
The dual nature of the trials of migratory fish from salt water to fresh water and the reverse journey from fresh water to salt water is one of the most physiologically demanding processes in the natural world.   
Anadromous fish which enter  estuarine rivers from the sea have to cross the salt wedge where they must extrude salt so that their blood stream is isotonic with the medium they live in.  The converse is true of catadromous fish: in the case of salmon the hurdle which young fish face when they must leave freshwater to migrate to the ocean.

The processes involved have a huge energy requirement and therefore a huge requirement for oxygen.  The oxygen content of the Liffey at the receiving place is unlikely to be a happy environment with the
thousands of litres of very hot water laced with strong chemicals which will be discharged to the Liffey from the Incinerator proximate to the discharge of water from the next door Sewage works.

The bonuses of many people in USA and in Dublin depend on the Poolbeg Foreshore Licence.  Will Covanta or DCC kill the Salmon?  


Not to mention depleting Liffey water, forcing taxpayers to pay €500 million to steal water from the Shannon.  As proposed by 'consultants' RPS of Shell in Mayo and the incompetent sewage factory fame, and honourably mentioned by Judge McKechnie in DCCs massaging of innocent RPS reports.  

Management Incompetence Example: DCC+RPS.  
The months of March, April and May have been very uncomfortable for the residents of Pembroke East by reason of the odours of the gases fetole, indole and skatole emanating from the same waste water treatment plant. This demonstrates incompetence of operators DCC - their advisors were also RPS (Rottens P1ss & Schiess).  Same 'experts' as for the proposed incinerator.

Covanta must be under financial pressure.  Spin merchants MKC and RPS have  El Presidente Whitney spinning all over Irish radio and in the newspapers.  Jump Paddy, jump.  How high massa? How high?

July 22, 2010

Covanta and Judges

Covanta's Mr Whitney On Judges:
Covanta's Mr Whitney said he could not speculate on the Minister's motives but said 'as a judge he seems to be saying I know you are guilty but I will give you a fair trial before I hang you'.
RTE Government Radio, Ireland. July 22, 2010.

Judge McKechnie:

Judge McKechnie has adjudicated that DCC used undue influence in a process supposed to be in the public interest, and, significantly "massaged reports" meant to inform the public process.  In non-legalise this seems to view DCC as law-breakers.  DCC made a secret contract with Covanta before either Bord Pleanala or EPA Ireland made any decisions.  DCC is now using the cute wee hoor contract to hold a gun to Irish taxpayers heads.

Related: US Embassy At Work

Covanta & Fair Trials

Covanta and predecessors Ogden have lots of experience of fair trials in the USA.  Did Mr Whitney comment about Covanta/Ogden's 20 year record of being fined by US judges for lawbreaking in the USA? 

Trust US
A badly run "modern incinerator" will definitely damage peoples health and cause premature deaths.  The cost could be €2.4 billion per year for premature deaths.

Covanta CEO Declines to Confirm Poolbeg Incinerator Investment

Covanta's CEO was asked on Irish government radio to confirm CVA will stay with their proposed investment in the Poolbeg Incinerator.  

The CEO huffed and puffed looking for a suitable set of words, thinking of SEC rules and Conrad Black doing time in jail.  The CEO declined to confirm Covanta will stay with the waste-to-toxins project.

Correction:  It was the President for all of Europe, Scott Whitney.  Not the CEO.

CVA: Covanta ticker symbol.
CVA: Acronym for a stroke.  
Particles from incinerators increase the risk of stroke.

Covanta CEO:   Toni Orlando.   Waste industry.
Sopranos CEO: Toni Soprano.   Waste industry.

July 9, 2010

Censored Again? CRAI Poolbeg Incinerator Letter To Irish Times.

Did the Irish Times publish or censor this letter?  

The Irish Times publishes press releases written by incinerator promotors - disguised as journalism.   

The once respected company seems to have a policy of not publishing informed letters which contest the Big Lies produced by DCC, and the honest truths published by honest law-breaker Covanta.  This places The Irish Times in the Sunday Times/Fox News camp.




Poolbeg anti incinerator campaign still very active

 Monday June 28, 2010 22:15 by Frances Corr - CRAI

I and thousands of my neighbours in Ringsend, Irishtown and Sandymount have been objecting to the siting of this incinerator in our community for over 10 years.  We have never been complacent on the matter, we do not blog, although we have our own Internet site under the title of NODUBLININCINERATOR. Those who wish to keep up to date with our campaign can access the up to date info on the site.

Last Saturday the Opinion& Analysis section of Irish Times, Stephen Collins had a article which questioned whether John Gormley had a conflict of interest when it came to dealing with the issue of the Poolbeg incinerator.

I have replied to the ed, but as I doubt this letter will be printed I am adding it here. It appears that a lot of media will only print the outdated PR mantra that Dublin City Council continue to trot out.


Your political analyst, Stephen Colline, is usually a fount of wisdom, so it is a pity that his article on the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator (Saturday 26th June) appears to be based solely on outdated and contested public relations material from Dublin City Council and its consultants.

Perhaps he would consider these now established facts about this flawed project:

1. If it is the duty of the local authorities in question to select the safest and most efficient waste disposal system, why have the many other better options now available not been considered?

2. While the DCC PR machine keeps stating that EU fines are starting to “clock up” in the hope that the statement will be accepted, has he investigated if it is true? He will be surprised.

3. The “commercial developers” would be hard put to succeed in a legal claim, given that they have just announced the dispersal of the funding raised for the project as a dividend and a share buy-back scheme. Was he made aware of this?

4. While the project has apparently received approval from the bodies mentioned, is he aware that the contract with Covanta was signed while the Bord Pleanala oral hearing was just starting, and long before a “decision” was promulgated? Does he realise that this was a full year before the EPA hearings took place? Predetermined outcomes?

5. Has he investigated what “preliminary work” was done for the Foreshore Licence? If he does he will find that this did not even reach the minimum survey standards needed, and that a further hearing could well be involved before the issuance of a licence.

6. Is he aware that the promoters have now acknowledged that the maximum capacity required for the Dublin Region is well below 300,000 tonnes per annum, and that the excess needed for viable operation would have to be imported from the whole of Ireland, so that the facility is grossly oversized? And that if waste were imported from outside the Dublin Region the terms of the planning application would be breached and legal action would be well founded? So the way is by no means clear for the project to proceed!

7. The European countries that he cites as examples are no longer building incinerators. Covanta have abandoned their venture in China. Why?

8. Has he not realised that the opposition to this proposed facility, oversized and probably overpriced, comes from a far wider constituency than Dublin South East, and that there are serious implications for the health of the community? DCC has never carried out a baseline health assessment, presumably so that future health effects cannot be proven against a benchmark to be their responsibility!

When Mr. Collins considers the foregoing he will, no doubt, realise that there are usually two sides to every argument. If he would like further information from CRAI we would be delighted to meet him.

Yours etc.
Frances Corr

CRAI has always said this is the wrong technology in the wrong place

Related Link: http://www.nodublinincinerator.webs.com/

Covanta Pollutes California Air & Then Sponsors Earth Day

In California, Covanta has ambushed Earth Day.  They call it 'sponsoring'.  Not unlike Dublin City Council's PR consultant RPS conveniently judging the "European Green Capital City".
  • Covanta and its Ogden-alias have been fined thousands of times for polluting the earth. 

In Ireland, Dublin City Council's paid consultant RPS judges the European Green Capital City.  
  • RPS has been paid up to thirty million Euro so far in 'consultancy' fees to promote waste-to-toxins incineration.  They cite European cities, omitting certain facts.

Here's a video about Covanta trying to ambush an Earth Day event in California.  

Get the original video with text here:


RPS Director judges European Green Capital City Award.
Engineers Journal I Volume 62: Issue 8 October 2008 

The article announces that P. J. Rudden, RPS director, will judge the European Green Capital City award in 2008. The city which has a consistent record of achieving high environmental standards and sustainable development will receive the award. Rudden will judge the waste production and management as well as water consumption and wastewater treatment in applicant cities.

When referencing Stockholm as "European Green Capital City" its omitted that RPS judged the "award".  Then they cynically spin about alleged European examples to try to justify a huge waste-to-toxins incinerator in Dublin. 

Covanta's incinerator in California's Central Valley imports waste long distances from various counties like Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Mariposa, Merced, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Solano, Tuolumne, & Yolo & other states including Washington, Oregon, & Nevada.

July 8, 2010


Copied From Burning Issues No 12.    Some text-formatting.



Posted by dublin incinerator on July 2, 2010.


An Occasional Newsletter of happenings that affect the Poolbeg Incinerator Project, comprising the personal opinions and experiences of Maurice Bryan, technical adviser to CRAI.



During their recent analysts tele-conference Covanta promised to lobby hard in Ireland to overcome obstacles to building the oversized Poolbeg facility, and this week has seen the results, culminating in the demand of the U.S. Ambassador for a meeting with Minister Gormley to promote the project for fear damaging Ireland’s reputation! Strange, given that gross product from foreign firms is actually rising!

This does appear to be a last desperate throw of the dice for Covanta for some good news to stem the steady decline in their stock price. It is all the more strange given that this month they will distribute the funds that were borrowed to build the plant in a share buy-back programme and dividend distribution, as already reported. The firm has suffered reverses in Asia and the UK together with many labour and regulatory troubles in their homeland operations, and is obviously now seeking to avoid a second lapse into Chapter 11 protection from bankruptcy.

Leinster House rumour has it that those lobbying include a retired senior politician who has already used all his influence to ram the project down the throats of Dublin (and all Irish) people despite all the demonstrated hazards of the process, firstly resulting in a badly informed opinion piece in “The Paper of Record” that repeated many of the errors contained in the releases of the PR firm concerned, which have now become a tired mantra for the proponents. On the 1st July it featured strongly in RTE programming, again with the same correspondent showing his lack of proper research, and the subsequent listener responses showed how widely the proposed incinerator is the subject of objection and even derisionPat Kenny’s attempt to portray the opposition as “Dublin 4 nimbyism” certainly showed fundamental misunderstanding of the issues.

Perhaps the saddest aspect was to see a major political party abandon its long-declared and admired stance on a matter of principle in the search for short term advantage in the Minister’s constituency, a lapse that may eventually cost them electoral support across the country.

To list the misconceptions:

1. The Local Authorities have not “selected the safest and most efficient waste disposal system”.

2. The EU fines will not come into force for some time to come.

3. The “commercial developers” would be hard put to prove a legal claim given their recent actions.

4. The Bord Pleanala approval was an empty gesture, given that the contract had already been signed six months previously.

5. The EPA licence only stipulates limits to emissions and working practices. The facility might never be able to operate given the level of atmospheric pollution discovered in recent EPA tests, which seriously breach the old EU limits, never mind the new tighter ones that come into force this month.

6. The “preliminary work” done for the Foreshore Licence” was miserably inadequate.

7. The promoters have now acknowledged that almost half the refuse feedstock for the plant would have to come from outside the Dublin Region. Legal advice is that they will be open to challenge should they attempt this importation which breaches the planning permission.
8. Most European countries have ceased to build incinerators.

9. The serious potential for negative impacts on the health of Dubliners and further afield has not been properly considered, despite ever increasing scientific evidence of long term harm.

10. The bulk of the reputed 600 jobs would be only available during the relatively short construction period, and more than half of these would be filled by imported specialists in incineration technology. The permanent jobs (60 were quoted to Bord Pleanala) would also be largely for foreign specialists.


SEE THE C.R.A.I. WEB SITE AT http://www.nodublinincinerator.webs.coml
Telephone me at 01-4931877 or Frances Corr at 087-7715825.
Next week – An interesting European view of the project to date !



Alleged Illegalities in Poolbeg Incinerator Process: Bribery & Incineration Issue for Poolbeg Incinerator.

An opinion on the Poolbeg Incinerator from Bulgaria.  Sure what do they know about hiding corruption says Bertie & Celia. Cheeky ex-commies, after all I did for them and the brickie jobs. 


Copied with minor text edits from Blog Comment Posted to Indymedia.

Bribery and the Incineration Issue for Dublin
by Karel Yurian - Wed May 26, 2010 21:21
source: https://www.indymedia.ie/article/78759?&condense_comments=false#comment269054
    Having seen the issues of bribery and embedded corruption seen as normal across many of the countries in the New European Union entrants and also seen the same things practiced elsewhere across the wider World I wonder about the rumours running rife that RPS will be given up to €26 million in extra fees-  above their already over-sized €21 million, going on €32 million fees being paid for by Dublin Corporation.  
    The European Union has hierto not yet fully deliberated on the vexed procurement issues surrounding how Elsam and another became Dong and Covanta and that during the time of the current discussions (over the last three years) the Dublin Poolbeg Incineration project has leapt from €267 million yo €410 million (according to the American Press.) And that they are now seeking a currency price adjustment to be implemented to the project to guarantee that the Government of Ireland does not default on the tenets of the payment profile - the costs to treat the waste per year!

Surely Ladies and Gentlemen in Ireland you have not missed the issue for even from here in Bulgaria it stares you in the face.

  • The Dublin Poolbeg Incinerator Project was tendered for correctly but awarded ILLEGALLY TO AN ORGANISATION THAT WAS NOT PARTY TO THE ORIGINAL BID.

  • It is ILLEGAL to use the term PUT OR PAY for a Service like this when it is in effect a SUBSIDY.

  • It is also ILLEGAL for this PUT OR PAY principal then to be used as a means to EXACT FURTHER SUBSIDIES IN LOWER THAN EXPECTED OUTPUTS IN ELECTRICITY AND HEAT which inevitably follows.




In the previous items I have just scanned it seems that the premise for taking the Waste to Ringsend-Poolbeg is flawed under the EIS EIA rules of the EU in that there has been no comparable study done to suggest that the waste could not have been transferred to the existing Land Fill Site by the Ring Road. If that had been done the concerns over the option for shipping waste through the most densely populated area of Dublin would have been eliminated in its entirety.

Likewise and I return to the issue of the day, Incineration does not do what it is supposed to do.
Professor Michael H Hayes (at the University of Limerick) and Dr Daniel H Hayes (of the Carbolea Institute at the same University of Limerick) have both shown that the best option Environmentally is the conversion of the Biomass in the Waste to the Biofuel for Transport Ethanol - after separation of the Recyclables and the Inert materials (these last two are also not included within the incineration option.) This position has also been verified by Dr Dominic Hogg of Eunomia and now it seems many others including many in Denmark Sweden Norway and Finland as well as in the UK China Korea Vietnam and India - all of whom are adopting this system.

WHY? Simply put it solves the Environmental issues as well as being as much as
60% cheaper in Capital costs and in operations and maintenance costs.

Again earlier in these items we read that the Waste to Ethanol process can be effected at a treatment cost which can be set lower than Land Fill Costs -- I think I read €30 per tonne was proposed for Dublin. Further I also read that there would be no treatment cost after 6 years from the start. Further it does not need the illegal subsidies of a Put or Pay base structure to survive!

Why then does the Government dilly dally with this? There is no contest.

July 7, 2010

Covanta's Poolbeg Incinerator Investments & Bertie's Money

Bertie,  Celia published some garbage on the July 4 weekend about the Poolbeg Incinerator.  So, is it true.  Are you the 'senior politician'?
Jaysus would you ever feck off.

Bertie, is Biffo your patsy?

Bertie, have you ever visited Bada Bing?
Feck off.  Dats de last time.  OK?  As esteemed Cllr Tormented of Fine Gael says, Mind how you walks de streets.

July 5, 2010

MKC's Jobs & Investment Big Lies For Covanta's Poolbeg Incinerator

MKC Creates Covanta Spin In Ireland.

MKC-Covanta is a very patriotic entity.  Let there be no doubt about that.  Patronised by New Jersey money.

MKC-Covanta, a deeply-embedded Galway Tent crony, has issued a pack of untruths or even Big Lies using the Sunday Times spin-machine. For example MKC-Covanta uses the Big Lie phrase "objector culture" when "informed resident" is accurate.

MKC directly connected to Ireland's Health Minister, TD Harney, seems to promote private American healthcare companies in Ireland.  TD Harney promotes private health care, and through NAMA is shutting public healthcare to pay for scams in Poolbeg.

Here is one Big Lie from Covanta/MKC:

Covanta/MKC:  "Ireland’s Objector Culture is Endangering Jobs &  Investment"

  • Covanta/MKC is using the fear game it cynically accuses others of, a Goebbels technique.  MKC says it works for Covanta in Ireland.  Why would any lawful American start-up or Fortune-100 listen to "jobs or investment" propaganda from law breaker Covanta?  Covanta apparently destroys recycling jobs.  Covanta is widely reported to have broken American law hundreds of times and has been fined for doing so. 

Covanta/MKC omits significant judicial opinions from the Sunday Times/blog, creating another Big Lie or untruth:

Covanta/MKC:   "A more novel objector species has now emerged closer to Dublin, and concerns the proposed Ringsend incinerator project. This has now been 12 years in the permitting and regulatory process, is being sponsored by the Dublin Local Authorities, and has Bord Pleanala and EPA approvals, and since it is a PPP project it was also vetted by the National Development Finance Agency on behalf of the Department of Finance."

  • JUDGES:  Judge McKechnie in an unapproved judgement in December 2009 says DCC unduly interfered in a process meant to inform the public.  DCC massaged RPS reports, presumably intending to misinform the public, to mislead the alleged '12 year permitting and regulatory process', including the presentation of false information to BP's credible Inspector (overruled by cronies on board?).  In 2010, DCC also settled another case with CRAI concerning further withholding of information: do innocent parties "settle"?  The Department of Finance can't even do long division.  Ex: NAMA making a five billion profit.

Another Big Lie from Covanta/MKC:
Covanta/MKC:   "Multi-national corporations look for certainty, whether it is in the field of taxation or regulation."
  • Fact:   Corporations and job-generating start-ups look for respect for the law.  They take a dim view of law breaking companies.  Covanta is a law breaker.  True investors take a dim view of government regulators run by political cronies: FF has stacked EPA and ABP with pro-incineration directors from Indaver and RPS.  Engineers Ireland, where Mr Pyjamas of RPS is a VP,  with ex-Indaver buddy promote incineration, whilst hiding these connections from the public.   Is that honourable?   Has  Engineers Ireland destroyed its repetition?  Through a blog ESRI, funded by adjudicated misinformer DCC, is supporting Covanta.  Are these Irish institutions an admitted oxymoron,  holy or unholy?  MKCs Big Lie or untruth is to misinform the Irish public by omitting directly relevant information.  Big Lies do not impress intelligent start-ups or corporations.  Big Lies drive away business.

Covanta/MKC concludes with this absurdly huge Big Lie:
Covanta/MKC:   "It is now time they showed the same level of concern for the growing impact that regulatory uncertainty is having on would-be investors."
  • FACT:  The Financial Regulator, a political stooge, wrecked the Irish economy. 

Covanta's Link To Ireland's Galway Tent Cabal?

MKC-connected Harney Denied Health Baseline Study for Poolbeg Area, Facilitating MKC-Connected Covanta Incinerator. 
MKC seems to have links to The Galway Tent's PDs, neither of which has really gone away.  Any such link directly places Covanta in the Galway Tent, the institution which created the bankruptcy of Ireland.  Uninformed Health Minister Harney refuses suitable health science as called for by informed Dr Staines at the Bord Pleanala charade (Charade?  See CRAI judicial settlement against DCC on unlawfully withheld information and McKechnie on unlawful information distortion by DCC).

Covanta in Ireland is a client of MKC Communications.   Apparently MKC places spin dressed up as journalism in the supine Irish media.  One of the rags used is billionaire Murdoch's Sunday Times, a once credible newspaper now in the Sun and Fox News camp.

It seems MKC represents private-for-profit USA health care companies in Ireland.  The USA has the worst health care in the developed world with 100 million people in daily fear of falling ill.

Minister Harney is Ireland's health minister.  She promotes private-for-profit health care in Ireland. Minister Harney's recent partner is/was Mr Geoghegan who is reported to have conveniently resigned from MKC (see blog-comment below).  

Manipulating suitable Quango's Minister Harney has refused a baseline health study for Dublin, thus ensuring the public is not fully informed on the impact of the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator.  More importantly for MKC's client the lack of the study helps to reduce any remaining liability for any health harm inflicted on Dublin by the proposed incinerator.  Most of that liability is taken care of in the secret Poolbeg contract signed off by DCC behind closed doors.  

Private for-profit health care companies stand to profit greatly from hundreds of prematurely ill people made ill by particle pollution.  The best thing is nobody can prove the cause because the Galway Tent has ensured science is buried.



  1. jim Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 10:37 pm
    @ Ted..”  In January 2006, Brian Geoghegan resigned from IBEC and took up a position as Chairman of MRPA Kinman. According to the company, which re-branded as MKC Communications in mid 2008 and from which Geoghegan resigned as chairman in October last, it is a consultancy firm that prides itself on its access to government for lobbying purposes. It is led by former PD spokesman, Ray Gordon, and former party press officer and policy director Stephen O’ Byrnes. It counts among its government and commercial clients the Health Information and Quality Authority, a body which was set up by Minister Harney to implement the sort of reforms which Brian Geoghegan was anxious to see - and which his wife is now responsible for implementing”

US Embassy's “In Covanta We Trust Classic”


What Can Ireland Do For Covanta?


  Covanta's flags flapped in the wind, blue pollution swirled from barbeques, and Toni Soprano presided over a game of American salesmanship to promote the pollution of Dublin by DCC's proposed Poolbeg Incinerator operator, Covanta.

DCC signed a secret deal for the proposed incinerator to be run by apparent law breaker Covanta and has overseen July-4-Weekend threats or untruths or lies about the complete halt of US jobs and US investment in Ireland if the law breaker is subjected to Irish environmental law.

It could have been a July 4th event in the United States. But this was Dublin, Ireland, where Soprano is not yet the U.S. ambassador, and he was making history by staging an “In Covanta We Trust Classic” at the former HQ of the former British Empire, now the American HQ.

Mr Soprano was also hopeful of an increase in US investment in Ireland by real entrepreneurs like himself.  “The Italian-American companies think highly of Ireland with a fearful, supine citizenry, willing to do any work and to do things improperly It’s a great place to come and break balls.  You can do what you like.  NAMA rules.” said Toni Soprano.
Mr Rooney did not explain in public why Bertie's financial indiscretions with a Manchester businessman came into the public domain leading to his demise and did not say a word about Echelon operations at Dublin's Pembroke Road.  Soprano did not say in public that Covanta was also a misunderstood polluter with a record of lawbreaking in New Jersey, nor what Ireland can do for Covanta.

Mr Soprano described Mr Cowen as a “fine person” and a “friend” and  did not ask Mr Cowen in public how do you completely bankrupt a country and get away with it.

Mr Soprano's presence was described as a “great endorsement” by Joanne Richardson, CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce.  She felt it was a time to “celebrate and recognize” the very positive relationship between Ireland and New Jersey. The economic ties were “phenomenal” and especially important to Ireland at the moment, she said.  And there is absolutely no blackmail about Irish jobs.   
The CEO officially ignored private advice from Toni on how to turn a profit for law-breakers now that Ireland has a worldwide reputation for fear and crony-capitalism making it very easy to 'lobby' Mr Cowen after the successes with Mr Ahern.

Ireland would benefit from New Jerseys connections to the global economy, he added.  This is an innocent offer Mr Cowen can not refuse.  The Fianna Fail tribe's gotta put food on the table.

The group retired to watch a few entrepreneurial videos:
  • DVDs showing Covanta skimming the Gulf of Mexico.  Toxic sludge is exported to Covanta's Lake County incinerator, beside the Disneyland fools in Orlando.  Dublin, Ireland, can compete for that business.
  • The Gomorrah, "a masterclass of understated menace".  
  • Episodes of the Sopranos.

Employees from honest US companies shuffled about nervously, not wanting to be seen in the same hood as Covanta.  Nor the dodgy Dublin City Council officials massaging the so-called public process for the Poolbeg Incinerator.

US Company Investments Are Not Guided by Law Breakers.

US Investors are more sophisticated than the muck-spreaders of The Galway Tent. 

Fears Empire: The promoters of the Poolbeg Incinerator must be desperate as they've now adopted the Bush doctrine of rule by fear.  Ireland's Independent, dominated by a billionaire buddy of the US ambassador, is running scare stories on the July 4 weekend about absurd threats to US investment in Ireland.  The kow-towing Irish Times has published a press release possibly written by DCC-RPS, a common practice, with threats wrapped up in a silk glove.  This type of muck is a disservice to the people of Ireland and to US investors.

The vast majority of US companies do not wish to be associated with any company which continuously breaks the law against ordinary people.  Fine companies in Ireland which compete vigourously with each other such as Google, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Pfizer & Apple will never be guided in their honest investment decisions in Ireland by cynical politicians supporting a law breaking US company.  To imply otherwise in the Irish press is basically lying and an insult to the professional management inside honest corporations.

Covanta is a company with a record of breaking laws in the United States and elsewhere, according to the US press.  Covanta seems to have been fined hundreds of times for pollution and abuse of employees.  Recently it appears toxins were spread around California orchards.  Contracts in Orlando (Lake County) and Harrisburg are reported as having reduced or stopped recycling efforts, forced waste to be imported and caused extra costs to local residents of  about $300 million in each city.  It would be interesting to see what is not printed about badly managed incinerators in the US press.  Much of the US press is controlled and muzzled by billionaires such as Mr Zell.  Mr Zell is a lead investor in Covanta ($666 million; 2009), owner of the Chicago Cubs, The LA Times and the Chicago Tribune.

Why would start-up companies which generate jobs or established corporations be guided by a law breaking company?

Covanta's contract-giver is Dublin City Council (DCC), whose hidden officials act against the wishes of the democratically elected councillors of Dublin and thousands of informed residents.   Instructions are passed to DCC from the Galway Tent by Biffo or Bertie.   Judge McKechnie has adjudicated that DCC used undue influence in a process supposed to be in the public interest, and, significantly "massaged reports" meant to inform the public process.  In non-legalise this seems to view DCC as law-breakers.

July 1, 2010

American Ambassador Interferes in Irelands Internal Democratic Process?

US Football Owner Sticks Nose into Poolbeg Incinerator Scheming.

Once upon a time a lawyer in Dublin, employed by Dublin City Council to promote the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator, had a fund-raiser for Mr Obama, in his Dublin house.

Once upon a time a millionaire from the US Republican party endorsed Obama.  He was rewarded with a cushy retirement job as Ambassador to the Republic Of Ireland.  The ambassador is the millionaire owner of a US football team.

Its reported he will now interfere in Ireland's internal affairs by "requesting" a meeting with Ireland's Environment Minister to put the case for a New Jersey law breaking corporation.  Lies concerning '600 jobs' have been placed in the Irish media by persons unknown.  Its unfortunate the Ambassador, totally outside his control, is implicated by the media.  Unless you read carefully it would appear the Ambassador is claiming 600 jobs will be lost.  The media also spins the absurd picture of sophisticated US investors, often funded from China, paying attention to the machinations of companies operating in the dodgy US waste industry.

The proposed operator of the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator has a record of breaking US laws.  Most US companies do not wish to be associated with such law breaking.  

Just before July The Fourth, an Irish newspaper published a scare headline.  It claims the US Ambassador wants to meet Ireland's Environment Minister and also claims, without validation, that 600 jobs will be lost.

With another Irish Billionaire, the paper is dominated by Tony O'Reilly who traded in Pittsburg as CEO of Heinz Corporation, close to the Ambassador's football stadium.  To celebrate O'Reilly's lucrative remuneration Time Magazine ran a front page cover story on O'Reilly titled "All Gain, No Pain"

O'Reilly's 'newspaper' now claims that 600 jobs will be lost if the massaged and possibly unlawfull effort by DCC is not proceeded with.  This '600 jobs' spiel looks like another barefaced lie straight from the cronies in The Galway Tent, but perhaps the newspaper is making a purely innocent typo.  The maximum number of jobs, chiefly low pay waste-sorting jobs, in an incinerator run by computers and robots is a max of sixty (60).  The number of jobs lost through displacement by the incinerator elsewhere is well in excess of 1,000.  Not counting the possible 300 per year who lose their jobs from premature bad health and premature death from added air pollution particles.  

To protect itself from future Irish lawsuits, including health liabilities from pollution, accidents and other financial risks the proposed operator has established a legally-firewalled company in Luxembourg.

Rooney (Centre) With Bush.

Lawbreaking Company Summons Irelands Prime Minister to USA

Is seems the Prime Minister of Ireland, TD Cowen, is being summoned to get instructions from Covanta in New Jersey.   Bada Bing would be the location of choice. 

BIFFO Enters Bada Bing:   Hello Lads.  I'm from Offaly. I can sing any song you like.  
How Ya Doin' Paddy or is it Mick. Welcome to our little abode here in New Jersey.  See this file the NSA has on you.  Now.  About our Rights in your little "country".  Toni here has concerns ...

Covanta has a record of being fined for breaches of the law at a huge number of its incinerators (google: covanta fines).  Their engineer's excuse is that no mechanical system is perfect.

The anti-democratic and secret contract done by unelected insiders at Dublin City Council for the proposed Poolbeg Incinerator incinerator on Dublin's Foreshore may be based on a contract in Orlando at "Lake County" which has cost Orlando taxpayers an extra $300 million.  This Orlando contract has forced the city to import waste to feed the incinerator.  Harrisburg's geniuses were also out-maneuvered.  Covanta's lawyers are smarter than BIFFO's cronies, aren't they? 

The current Taoiseach of Ireland, TD Cowen was at the helm of the Ministry of Finance along with Prime Minister Ahern when "light touch" regulation bankrupted Ireland.  Enforcement of the facade of regulation for the proposed incinerator would be even lighter.