August 21, 2010

Covanta Incinerator Breaks Law Again - Wallingford, Connecticut.

 AUGUST 2010


Repeated violator Covanta does not transfer its problems to other parishes, a best-available-technology.  Instead it fobs off the residents whose health it threatens by paying small fines.  Whilst also increasing the millions of dollars it uses each year to "lobby" politicians.

Connecticut State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is suing Covanta for emitting excessive levels of a carcinogen for the second time in three years.  

“Our legal action follows a repeat environmental violation — excessive emissions of toxic dioxin,” Blumenthal said in a statement.

Covanta's wonderful machinery broke down in April 2010.  Was it fixed and reported in April 2010?  No.  Covanta only reported the failure in July 2010.  Does this mean Covanta was pumping out deadly dioxins for four months or longer?  If so, thanks to the jet stream, Covanta is already dropping dioxins onto Dublin.

There is no safe level for dioxins.  Nevertheless, RPS's Rudden paid €25 million by DCC, spins that "modern incinerators" do not have "ANY" health impact.  With Covanta's record this spin is at best cynical if not reckless, though hijacked Eejits Ireland may disagree.

Paying off piddling fines is cheaper than the continuous control of dioxins with technically impossible engineering.  Small fines maximise owner & director bonuses, throwing the vast health costs onto residents.  Does Mr Zell, Covantas biggest investor, need the money now that his newspaper business is bankrupt?

Mark Babcock and his family live less than a mile from the facility and he is happy to hear the state is cracking down.

"We get some smells from that place, sometimes it smells like anti-freeze, sometimes it smells like garbage, burnt tires, whatever, and it kind of makes you wonder what you might be putting into your system breathing that air," he said.


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